Chapter 10.

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Paige pushed me onto my bed by my waist before getting in between my legs. She then quickly took off my shirt along with my bra leaving me exposed to her.

She stared for a moment before squeezing one of my breast and flicking my nipple with her tongue on the other one. I couldn't help but moan.

I tried to keep quiet because we're in dorms but she wasn't cooperating with me. Paige bit my nipple not to hard but hard enough to feel pain.

"Paige please" I moaned needing her.

She didn't respond, instead she kissed down my body stopping at the band of my shorts. She searched my eyes for permission and a nod was all she needed to continue.

She removed my shorts then made unbearable eye contact as she slowly pulled my panties off. She spread my legs apart and began kissing up my thigh until she reached my heat.

She came back up hovering her mouth above mine. She moved closer until our lips brushed against each other but it wasn't a kiss.

"Wake up Giani" She whispered into my mouth..


My alarm went off and I shot up; a loud gasp escaped my mouth. A wet dream..

About Paige...this couldn't be.

I sat in my bed repeatedly replaying the dream over in my head.

'I'm no better than every other horny human walking this planet' I thought to myself before getting out of bed.

I headed to the bathroom when I felt the discomfort. I went to pee when I seen that my panties were soaked.

I was wet from a wet dream.

"UGHH" I signed angrily.

I stepped back into my room and pick out clothes before heading back into the bathroom to take a shower. When I got out I put on lotion, brushed my teeth, and washed my face.

I checked my watch and the time read 12:21pm. I went back to my room and threw my clothes in my hamper.

"What the shit" I spoke freely replaying the dream again in my head falling back onto my bed.

I reached to grab my phone off the charger and noticed I had a text from Cameron.

Cameron 🤪
Heyyyy I know we aren't friend or anything, but I don't really have friends so you wanna maybe hangout?

I thought hard before answering her. She's 17 and I'm 21 why would I be hanging out with a 17 year old.

I almost told her I'm busy until I realized she said she doesn't have friends. That's so sad considering she's such a sweet kid.

I swiped out of the chat accidentally clicking on her story. Just then I found out it's her birthday.

"No one to hangout with her on her birthday" I gasped aloud.

No way I could tell her no, but I did need to get a present now.

"UGHHH" I signed realizing I had to call Paige.

I went to Paige contact and just stared at it for awhile before clicking the ring button. The phone rung twice before she picked up.

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