Chapter 14. Affair

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I rubbed my eyes for the umpteenth time as I struggled to complete my assignments, while Jiya was busy mixing songs on her laptop. My mouth had started hurting from all the yawning, and I just wanted to sleep but Jiya wouldn't let me do so.

We were at Arushi's place, and she had made Jiya in-charge of me; we were pulling an all-nighter since last two days to get my assignments done. I still didn't understand how Akshay managed to complete everything before me. Because he was done with his studies, he was released from Arushi's dungeon two hours ago.

I glared at Akki, who was getting his beauty sleep while I slumbered away.

"Can't I do this tomorrow?" I whined.

Arushi gave me a death stare after moving her specs down. I gulped nervously and nudged Jiya for help.

"Sorry, babes, I am busy right now," Jiya replied.

I sighed and went back to my homework. Since Akshay and I were busy with our dance training, we had gone to college for only one day last week. Arushi had prepared the notes for us, so we only had to copy the assignments.

I prefer dancing 24X7 over studying any time.

I glanced at the clock, and the hour finger was nearing towards 3 a.m. While my bones had already started sticking out, Arushi and Jiya looked as if they had only started with their work. Both of them were enjoying their time, while I drowned in the heaps of papers.

Seeing no way out, I steeled myself and resumed my assignments. The time started moving faster, and by the time only a few pages were left for me to complete, the sun shone on our faces.

"And I am finally done!" Arushi exclaimed.

"Congratulations, girl!" Jiya complimented Arushi.

I hugged Arushi, and the three of us checked Arushi's book review Instagram page. She had achieved the feat of completing a total 400 book reviews in one year. I could only imagine reading that many books in my dreams.

"It's a treat from me tonight," Arushi said, her curly hair bouncing in joy.

"Did someone say treat?" Akki asked as he got up.

As soon as he learnt about Arushi's accomplishment, he joined us. Jiya clicked a selfie, and we all got ready to leave for our college.

"Bhoomi, are your assignments done?" Akki asked as he got ready.

I nodded proudly, and Akshay breathed in relief. I happily went to take a shower but almost slipped on the wet floor of the bathroom when I heard Arushi yell my name loudly.

"Bhoomi, you duffer, are your eyes not working properly?!" Arushi screamed.

I knew I was in trouble, so I closed the bathroom door and peeked out. "What's the matter?"

Arushi gave me a murderous look and showed me my assignments. "Didn't I tell you to change the stuff before starting your assignment? I even made separate notes for you, but look what you have done, dumbo! Akshay and your assignments are ditto of each other. The professor will grill you for sure now."

Akshay shot me a worried look but soon his expressions changed. He burst out laughing, and Jiya also joined him when Arushi tried to drag me out of the bathroom.

"I haven't submitted it yet, no?" I reasoned.

Arushi huffed and shook her head. She told me that it was the last day of submission, and the only way I could rectify my mistake was through my friends' help and doing my homework before the evening.

As I took a quick bath, my friends packed my bag and tiffin. I got ready, and the moment I was inside the local train, I started with my assignment. Akshay and Arushi wrote other pages, while Jiya sorted out the information.

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