Chapter 27. Again

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Somehow, I woke up really early in the morning. I tried to sleep forcefully, but my eyes kept opening by themselves. Accepting defeat, I got up and did all activities in low volume because my family was still asleep.

After I was done preparing breakfast and packing tiffins for my parents, my niece, and myself, I went upstairs and took in the view from my terrace.

The sun was yet to rise, and the night was waving goodbye as its dark blanket was slowly getting removed from the sky inch by inch. Small houses covered in tin swarmed the land beyond my eyes could see, and random heads kept appearing between the gaps in the streets.

A light breeze passed, and I took a deep breath. It had been a long time since I got to spend some alone time. I eyed my secret place and crawled inside the small area.

But this time, instead of sticking myself into my mobile screen and daydreaming about my idol, I replayed the events from past weeks; from auditioning to actually getting on the same team as my dance idol, everything felt like a dream.

A lot of things that happened were nerve-wracking, but I was happy to experience them. My memories with my teammates and mentors were hilarious, but there was one person with whom my interactions were not what I had expected them to be.


Before meeting him and talking to him personally, I freely called him TJ just like others did; I watched every video of his; checked every post on his social networking sites; tried to copy every dance moves he did no matter how difficult they were; build fake scenarios where I was performing with him; even did the stupidity of dreaming about me confessing to him.

Now it feels like that if I even watch a video of his, he will frown at me from the mobile screen. The way his eyes freeze, his face becomes emotionless, and his lips twist a little before settling into a thin line whenever he sees me - all of it make me regret trying to get close to him.

Before Tejas got to know me, he at least would have treated me like he treated others, but now, expecting him to even talk normally to me seems impossible. Am I that hopeless? Will I never get a chance to tell him how much he has inspired me? How much more do I need to improve?

You are again wasting time thinking about useless stuff, Bhoomi.

It is not useless, okay? I am trying to find the cause behind Tejas's behaviour towards me.

And what did you find after torturing your brain? Why are you continuously thinking about why Tejas does not like you?

Why can't I?

Because, Bhoomi, what if he has no reason at all?

Excuse me? What do you my mean?

I mean what if Tejas just doesn't like you? Is it always mandatory to have a reason to not like someone? Don't you also feel the same sometimes when you meet a new person or see a random human? Either you like them or not. What's the need to make this issue so big?

So... you want to say that Tejas doesn't like me, and I won't ever find the reason behind it because there is none?!

Exactly 😉

"Stupid inner voice, you are of no use!" I yelled in frustration.

"Bhoomi, come down!" Mom shouted.

I instantly got up and went downstairs. Instead of getting a scolding, I was praised by Mom for cooking food in advance.

"Maa, it is not such a big deal that you are thanking me," I said cheekily.

She smiled and asked me why Akshay hadn't arrived yet to drag me to the railway station. I was also amazed because it was maybe the first time that my bestie was not eating free breakfast at my home.

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