Chapter 20. Truth

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The smell of Chinese food was making my mouth water, so I increased my pace and reached Vibhan's garage studio.

"Oye, Rehman, at least come and take these, glutton! Am I supposed to do all the work?" I yelled while closing the door.

I noticed that the lights were off. Maybe Vibhan forgot to pay the electricity bill.

I moved towards my friends, yelling their names, but no one responded. I couldn't even switch on my phone as the old device had run out of battery. I told the guys to get some lights on and cursed when no one listened.

"You idiots are of no use!" I yelled. "I will eat all of this by myself then."

While I was busy threatening my friends, the light suddenly shone above me, and I squinted. It took me a few seconds to adjust my vision, and since I was the only one who was shining like a fairy in the dark room, I knew it was a prank.

"Come on, guys, is this even the time for a prank? I feel like I am in the spotlight. Do you want me to dance now?" I laughed.

I stopped my laughing marathon when I received no reply. Did everyone leave already? How could they?

I moved my feet to check outside but halted when I heard multiple footsteps. I was ready to kick my friends, but instead of my duffers, Tejas, Hriaan, and their crew emerged from the dark.

All lights got switched on, and I roamed my eyes around to see if I was dreaming or not.

Did all the events from today get my mind into overdrive?

I squinted more as I saw my crew in the distance, standing together in a corner. I wondered what they were doing there.

I moved my gaze in the front, confirming that I wasn't imagining things. Tejas and his friends were indeed standing there, so I waved my hand at Tejas and smiled.

"Hi, TJ. Glad to see you here," I said. "Want to join the party?"

I patted myself mentally on the back. Good job, Bhoomi. I am okay if I have to buy more food.

For a minute, Tejas didn't say anything. I felt self-conscious as his eyes kept shifting all over me. Unlike earlier, I decided not to break the eye contact.

My smile grew when Tejas took a step forward. He moved his hand towards me, and I squealed in my mind. I also began moving my hand towards him, but what he said next made my soul almost evaporate.

"Long time no see, Boomer."

Did I hear it right?

My eyes widened, and I glanced at my friends. All of them were busy burning holes in the ground. I looked back at Tejas and shook my head vigorously.

"I think there is some misunderstanding. I am not Boomer," I said.

Okay, Bhoomi, just keep acting. I am sure this is not real.

"Seriously?" Tejas's laugh boomed throughout the studio. He looked at Vibhan and motioned with his head.

Vibhan came forward and looked at me sadly. "Our truth is out, Bhoomi."

I gulped as I finally understood the main reason behind The Emperors' arrival. But I didn't get how they got to know about my fake identity.

As if Tejas sensed my confusion, he told Hriaan to explain.

Hriaan stared at me plainly and began. "We have unveiled the truth about your crew, Unix's draw with us. And if we want, we can bust you in front of everyone, and then you won't be allowed to participate in any competition. You will lose your face. Moreover, all of your past titles will be revoked too. You really dared to mess with us, didn't you? Didn't you ever think about the consequences?"

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