Chapter 8. No turning back

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Finally after weeks of tension and training, the D-Day was here. The preparations for the auditions had ended, and every individual looked nervous as we observed the event producers meet with the Dean and inspect the preparations.

Akshay and I were backstage with Arushi, who was giving us a meditation session. A few of the dancers had prepared some costumes for their dance routines, while others were in their casual clothes just like me.

Last night, Dhara Didi and Dad tried their best to convince me to buy some new clothes to put good impression on the judges, but I didn't want to waste any money.

I knew I had to think positively, but I was aware of the reality too. The amount I would have spent on my new costume would have fed us for three more weeks. Also, my choreography was mainly hip-hop, so I had one more reason to shoot down my sister and father's argument.

"Bhoomi and Akshay, we will now end the meditation. Keep your breathing calm and monitor it, okay? No need to panic," Arushi reminded us.

Akshay and I nodded. Arushi gave us some tips to avoid getting stage fright, and it was hilarious that a socially awkward potato was giving us pointers about social confidence.

After a few minutes, an announcement was made on the speakers, and my heart picked up pace when the countdown for the auditions began. As rehearsed, all of the participants began lining up on the sidelines of the stage in the order they had to go on the stage.

"Bhoomi, relax," Arushi said.

"Thanks." I smiled. "I will try not to faint."

Akshay gave me a thumbs up as he was far ahead of me in the line. Arushi also began leaving after hugging me, but stopped when she noticed Jiya barreling towards her at top speed.

"Arushi!!!!!" Jiya yelled.

As expected, Arushi curled up as she expected Jiya to slam right into her and Jiya did exactly that. The scene of them falling rolled out in slow motion, and I laughed hysterically as Jiya straddled Arushi, who glared at me from the ground.

"Oh my goodness! That was hell of a crash," Jiya grumbled. "But look who I fell on? Arushi, my bestie. Babe, I am not lying. If I had been a guy, I would have totally fallen for you."

"So not funny," Arushi cursed.

Jiya giggled and got off of Arushi. I helped my best friend stand up, and Jiya pulled Arushi's cheek.

"Your skin has gotten softer, babe," Jiya complimented.

Arushi rolled her eyes and told me to continue with my line for auditions, but Jiya grabbed me and immediately her carefree demeanor changed into a serious one.

"Bhoomi, I was searching for you only. I have something important to tell you," Jiya said in a low voice.

"Then why did you crash into me instead of Bhoomi?" Arushi complained.

"You were a decoy, Arushi. I didn't want to attract attention on Bhoomi." Jiya winked.

She turned her attention back on me and took a deep breath. "I just met Tejas in the music room, and damn, he was watching the underground finale's video on loop."

"So...?" I shrugged.

"Girl, he was watching that particular video on loop. Especially the parts where he was battling Boomer and Akshay. He didn't even pay attention to Kshitij and Mahreen when they were talking about Ayzere Barat. His eyes were glued to the screen."

I tried to decipher what Jiya was trying to say, but maybe my brain had already used all of its capacity for the day. Jiya thought I finally understood what she wanted to relay, but I slowly shrugged my shoulders with a sheepish look.

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