Chapter 17. Never enough

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My dance training was taking up a lot of time of my daily schedule. In the start, I was on cloud nine, but slowly, I was sliding down. I was sure I was on the verge of falling down from my cloud.

Akshay, on the other hand, seemed to be handling the situation pretty well. While I was the only helping hand for my mother, Akshay had three of his siblings looking after the house while his mother earned money. Akshay also helped financially as his night-delivery job had become faster due to his new scooter.

Sometimes, I wished that I was a boy too. I could have also done night jobs to support my family. Fortunately, we were satisfied with my family's earnings at the moment, but my niece, Srishti was growing up, and Mom wanted her granddaughter to have the best education.

Last month's expenses had gone a bit overboard thanks to me. Dad had to spend extra money on my extended train pass, auto fares, and new earphones. My sister, Dhara's hospital visits had also increased since there were no improvement in her health.

Last night, she was coughing almost every minute, and our parents spent the whole night looking after her. She had started resembling a stick - I was really worried for her. I wanted to stay up too, but Mom scolded me as I had to go to college today. After that, I had to attend my dance training also.

With thoughts of my family swirling in my mind, I scribbled my daily expenses in the back of my notebook. I had reached college early and attended the compulsory lectures. The exams were coming soon, and I had to find a way to manage my time.

After the last lecture, I exited the classroom and was on my way to the college gates. In my mind, I kept remembering the amount of money I had spent in the cafeteria. Suddenly, I was pulled back.

"What the-"

"Hello, Miss Ignorance." Hriaan waved his hand in front of my face.

"What do you want?" I asked.

Hriaan raised his eyebrows. "Looks like someone didn't have their breakfast on time."

I was in no mood to bother with Hriaan. Staying away from him was best for me. He only tried to investigate about Boomer every time he met me.

I moved my feet to escape, but Hriaan grabbed my backpack. I shot an invisible scowl at him. If he was going to play detective with me again, I would have hit him.

Hriaan's expression morphed into worry. "Are you okay?"

"Why are you asking?" I questioned suspiciously.

Did he hit his head? Why is he talking to me like we are friends? Why is his hold so strong? I can't move away!

"Because you would have hurt yourself because of me," Hriaan said. "I just want to make sure."

I scratched my head. "What are you talking about, Hriaan? Are you sure you haven't got the wrong person?"

Hriaan sighed. "Miss Devarkar, I am asking if you were hurt when I had crashed into the stairs you were sitting on. I would have asked that day only but you were busy ignoring me."

I widened my eyes in shock. He had recognised me?

Seeing my expression, Hriaan smiled. "It looks like you are good. Don't deny my existence the next time, okay? Not everyone gets Hriaan Viraje's attention that easily."

I darted my eyes on his face. I couldn't believe the level of confidence he had. He was basking in his self-praise, so I decided to take my leave. Again, Hriaan pulled me back. What does he want?!

"Hriaan, I have to leave for my dance training. I am getting late. Can you please let me go?" I asked in frustration.

Hriaan pondered for a bit. "Yes, you may, but before that I want to ask why you were working at my Roxie's party?"

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