Chapter 30. Beautiful

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Every move, every jump, every expression - everything was perfection. Hriaan was doing a great job leading his crew, and it was no surprise that their rivals were having a tough time keeping up with them.

Though both teams were giving each other a tough fight, the small differences between the skill levels and most importantly confidence were giving a winning edge to The Emperors. Even in their captain's absence, Hriaan and his teammates were having no trouble turning the battle in their favour.

My eyes were bouncing like ping-pongs; I wanted to jump on the stage and join them. The audience was so hyped that even when the match ended, the cheers were still echoing. As expected, The Emperors won.

Both teams greeted each other and left the stage. The Emperors joined their captain, and I thought that Tejas would be really happy to see his team win, but he had no special reaction. Since he was wearing a mask, I couldn't read his lips, but I knew he was telling something to his team as they were nodding.

By Tejas's body language, I knew he was tired as he hadn't moved at all since he arrived and his movements were also minimal. If he wasn't blinking, everyone would have thought that he was statue.

Once the host arrived on stage, he began announcing the next performance, but he got interrupted by the crowd.

"TJ, TJ! We want to see him perform!" the audience demanded.

"I came here only for him!" some guy shouted.

"We want to see TJ!" a girl screamed.

Like this, the host couldn't continue as the demands kept increasing.

"Everyone, TJ is tired and needs rest. We can ask him for a solo some other time," the host adviced.

The audience started murmuring, expressing their disappointment. Some of them kept repeating their earlier request, while others started leaving as they were not going to able to see Tejas dance.

After a few minutes, everyone froze in their spot when Tejas slowly got up from his seat and walked on the stage. Behind him, Hriaan shook his head and didn't look pleased with his captain's decision.

Tejas removed his mask and took the mike from host. "I will be glad to entertain you."

"You are awesome, TJ!" someone shouted.

With just one smile from Tejas, everyone was floored. I also had a hard time not staring at him like an idiot. Still, I was glad that I was not looking at him like a creep.

"Now finally, Bhoomi's wish to see her crush dance will be complete," Rehman commented.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

Rehman shot me an innocent look. "Am I lying?"

I pinched his cheek. "Stop spewing nonsense."

Rehman was unaffected. He only shut up when Vibhan gave him his deathly glare.

The host let the audience calm down and looked at Tejas mischievously. He glanced at the crowd and smirked.

"Where's the fun if TJ dances alone?" the host wondered.

Tejas smiled in amusement. He stood peacefully as the host talked in riddles. After making audience restless, the host turned to Tejas.

"Well, a lot of great dancers battled with each other today. Did you see anyone worth battling against?" the host asked Tejas.

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