Chapter 26. Smile

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To check on Yukta, I went to the hospital where she was admitted. Akshay and Arushi accompanied me, and after getting the information from the receptionist, we moved towards the ward where Yukta was.

Since only one person was allowed to meet her at a time, we waited outside her room. While Akshay and Arushi took seats on the waiting bench, I peeked through the small glass window on the door.

I smiled in relief when I saw Yukta laughing from ear-to-ear, her cheeks resembling fresh strawberries. Beside her, Tejas said something, making Yukta double up in laughter. After a few minutes, Tejas got up from the chair he was sitting on and hugged Yukta. She nodded at him, and I moved away from the door as Tejas made his way outside.

After he opened the door, he walked past me before I could talk to him. Akshay saw Tejas and asked him if Yukta was okay.

"She is all good," Tejas assured.

"Can we meet her right now?" Akshay asked and glanced at me.

Tejas nodded. "Yeah, but she has taken her medicines, so she will fall asleep soon."

Understanding Tejas's point, I entered Yukta's room, and as soon as she saw me, she cleared her throat and tried to hide the big goofy grin on her face.

I reached near her and noticed the huge pile of flowers and nourishments that had arrived for her.

"This is for you," I told her as I placed the fruits on the table. "How are you feeling now? You are all red."

Yukta giggled. "Yaar, Bhoomi, TJ is so nice! I can't believe that he stayed all night to look after me and even cracked jokes to make me feel at ease. Man, I already liked him, but I think I have fallen in love with him now. You know what I mean?"

I nodded at her and chuckled when she kept praising Tejas and fanning over him. I was sure she would publish her personal experience on the WhatsApp group dedicated to Tejas. After she calmed down, she took a deep breath and gave me a huge smile.

"I am well, Bhoomi, and you didn't have to bring the food, you know. There's already a lot ot of it," Yukta said.

"I am glad to hear that. By the way, there's nothing serious, right?"

Yukta bit her lips. "I should have listened to you."

"Just tell me what it is."

"I have kidney stones," Yukta announced.

"What?!" I yelled in shock. "Kidney stones?! That must have been really painful... I should have paid more attention."

"Relax, Bhoomi. You already did enough. It was me who was acting like an idiot and ignored my health. I should thank you for looking after me all this time, and also Tejas for getting me the treatment in such a prestigious hospital."

I agreed. "Yes, if Tejas hadn't taken you to the hospital on time, the situation could have gotten worse. Please, take care of yourself better and not worry others."

Yukta pulled her ears to apologise. "Okay, okay. I am sorry. By the way, can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Can you please find out how much the bill is?" Yukta asked in a low-voice.

I looked at her in confusion. "Why are you whispering? We can ask Tejas directly."

"No! He isn't even letting me talk about it. I am afraid that he will shoulder all the bill himself. I don't want to burden him like this, but... I can't afford it either. My parents have already spent a lot of money to send me to Mumbai, and if they get to know about my surgery, they will have to take a debt or loan. I don't want that..."

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