Chapter 21. Prey

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I got late again!

"Run, Boomer, run!" Akshay yelled.

I increased my pace to kick him, but he was far ahead of me. Since my secret identity was out, my best friend now casually called me Boomer whenever he felt like it.

Thanks to yesterday's late night party, I completely forgot about the early lecture and slept like a sloth. I didn't even take a bath!

Akshay zoomed like a bullet and climbed inside the local train. My lungs had started hurting, but I pushed myself and grabbed Akki's outstretched hand. He patted my back after I made it inside the boggie just before the train started.

"You need to wake up on time, Boomer," Akshay said.

I glared at him. "Will you stop calling me that?"

Akshay ignored my complaint and reminded that I no longer needed to be careful about my nickname.

"I still can't believe that TJ and Hriaan didn't make a big issue out of it," Akki said. "My respect has grown for The Emperors - especially TJ."

I grinned. "Of course, it is TJ we are talking about. He is the kindest soul alive."

"I forgot who I was talking to."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, Miss TJ's biggest fangirl."

Instead of getting annoyed, I felt my grin getting wider. Thanks to my lovely idol, the biggest worry of my crew was out of the window.

Akshay and I chatted about random stuff till we reached our college. As expected, Arushi was already in the classroom, her head buried inside a book. We advanced towards her, and she snapped her head at us, her chocolate orbs narrowing.

"You idiots make me wait every time," Arushi complained.

I hugged her. "What's new in that?"

Akshay plopped beside Arushi and stretched his empty hands towards her. "Have mercy on us poor souls, O' goddess of knowledge."

Arushi pursed her lips and bestowed her notebook on Akshay's hands. I hugged her more, her curly hair getting into my eyes.

Before I joined Akshay in copying Arushi's assignment, I observed what she was reading before we disturbed her.

A book titled 'Gone, but not forgotten' lay on her desk. I decided to get a look as the cover looked really pretty, but Arushi stopped me. She looked at me as if I was going to snatch her liver.

"Don't touch it!" Arushi yelled.

"Why?" I asked.

She carefully lifted the book and turned to the first page. While she was flipping through the pages, I noticed in how much of a bad condition the book was. I understood why Arushi reacted like that earlier - she was really sensitive about her books.

She told me to read what was written on the first page of the book.

"Precious things, especially people, should be treated with utmost care. This book demands the same treatment 💙," I read.

I asked if Arushi had drawn that blue heart, and she shook her head vigorously. She reminded that she always used yellow heart as her symbol.

"Where did you get this antique piece?" I asked.

"You won't believe, girl, how much of time, strength and connections I invested in getting this book. Unfortunately, I couldn't buy it and have to return it after three days," Arushi grumbled.

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