Chapter 2

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"Hanni" the blonde waved at her best friend, "I'm going to be your wingman this weekend!"  Hanni giggled as she accepted the hug from the other girl. She liked the idea of other being a wingwoman. The girls in her class were already too overbearing. They were constantly making bets on who could get a date first. It was ridiculous.   It wasn't like they had anything better to do with their time. They just wanted everyone else to have something better to do than hang out with them.  And Hanni loved hanging out with friends.  She didn't want people to be jealous of her because she was good at things and not them."Oh you're going to what?"  Hanni
asked as she pulled away. 
"Your wingman, duh! You'll love him. He's really sweet" said Dayun.

"At least something to love. You hate everything even school" added Dayun.
Dayun was right of course. She hated everything about school. The classrooms, the classes, the teachers, everything. That made it easy to pick on her and her group of friends. They were all different in that way, but one thing they all shared was that they weren't afraid to take their feelings out on each other. At least most of the time.  But they knew how to make it look like an accident. She knew they would never say something like this out loud because it was embarrassing for someone else, but if you were in her situation, you'd probably be pissed off too.

"His name is Don Hyuk"
"I thought you were thinking about the guy I set you up with this weekend"

"Ah yeah" she replied, "He sounds nice...but you can't just go around setting up people on me. I don't need more people trying to get in my pants" she replied with a frown. She wasn't interested, at all, and she seemed like she was very much aware of this fact. Hanni couldn' t help, but laugh.

Dayun was used to Hanni's reaction by now. It wasn't hard to make it sound funny since Hanni was always so dramatic and dramatic people thought she was serious when she was actually saying stuff like this.

And so, the morning bell rang, marking the beginning of yet another lively day at school. Students filled the hallways, their voices echoing with excitement and laughter. The only one who couldn't reciprocate the same excitement was Hanni. The classrooms came alive with chatter, pencils scratching against paper, and the rustling of textbooks being opened.


"You are such a bitch, Hanni"

Hanni turned around to see the 'class's queen' standing behind her, still with a small smile playing across her lips.
"I know I am. Why do you even bother talking to me" she replied with an irritated sigh. Hanni wasn't bothered by her behaviour at all neither her words affected her. But oh god how much she wanted to pick the fork resting in her food tray and stabbing it right into the others eyes to discontinue the saga of 'Bitchy Hanni in the lunch time fighting with the class's queen bee'

"We're friends aren't we"

"Of course we are, bimbo"
She was definitely offended by that statement. Maybe she'll shut up now and walk back to her table.

"I saw your brother in train last night"
Hanni turned her head sharply at the brunette. "He was screaming like a banshee"
"What?" Eventhough she wasn't her favourite person from whom she wanted to get informed about her brother but fuck if dealing with that bitch meant getting to know what her brother deals with, she is ready to pay that price.

"You didn't know?" said the other,scoffing. "Just fucking speak already" Hanni was fuming. Despite many enjoying their fight since the beginning, her screams gained everyone's attention.

She wished they would stop. She wanted to be left alone, dammit! "The police chased him" Now that caught Hanni's interest. Her brother was getting chased, why?
"You better not be fucking lying, Lisa
or else—"

"Ooh seems like freakiness runs in the family"

That was enough for Hanni to charge at her , pushing her hard enough to force her to drop her plate onto the ground. Her rage boiled over. How dare this bitch mock Hanni's family. "Don't ever talk shit about my brother again, you bitch."

Her words weren't venomous. Her eyes were. And with that Lisa walked away.

Hanni needed to talk to her brother. Needed to talk him down from whatever insanity was causing him to lose control of himself.


I'm planning on double updating today. Should I? Our female lead needs her own intro too 👀

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