Chapter 11

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Walking out of elevator, Jennie ran-walk to her boss's office. He was sitting there looking at the computer so focused that it made her wonder what could it be.  She knew better than to interrupt his work time when he had that look on his face. “Sorry I'm late, sir.” He looked up from his screen and frowned. “No, don't worry about it. You're right on time.” She gave him a small smile and took a seat opposite him.

"About the case" she continued. He shifted all his attention towards her. She couldn't find words to tell him how she didn't get any progress in past few days. "We didn't get any clue" "hm" was all he replied and looked back at screen.

"This might seem a bit intrusive to ask but I wonder why we are so involved in this case. My and my crew's job is to report and aware public about crimes, not investigate and chase around killers. I don't want any of us to be harmed in this process just like one of them did" She had waited long to say this.  The man across from her turned his gaze towards her then went back to whatever it was he was doing.

“You have to understand, sir, it has been almost been a while since the last murder. We've gone back through every crime scene, witness statements, everything you asked us to do over and over again and found nothing.  There hasn't even been any new evidence yet." Her voice lowered, barely audible over her own breathing. “It doesn't make sense to me.'' Her voice shook slightly as she tried to keep it steady. 

"Jennie" His voice was softer than usual. "Do you remember what you told me in your interview for job?" She nodded "I said I was fascinated by investigation processes but due to circumstances I couldn't pursue dream as crime investigator" She now realised where it was going.

"Right. I have other reporters to do the same thing you are doing. I chose you for this case because I believed no one would've covered it better than you. As for the reason why we are doing police's work, you'll know it later. For now, remember I trust you and you need to trust me with your team. I promise nothing like that would repeat again"  He smiled at her.

"Thanks Namjoon" she returned the smile.
He got out some papers. "Ok, I think it is time to present our findings." He opened a folder. "This is a list of people who were reported missing or were murdered, victims and potential suspects. I've also highlighted several cases that involve similar murders and their similarities and differences"  He passed the list to Jennie. They both looked down at it as he spoke. The list of victims was long. The very first murder was back in 2006.

The series of murder was definitely not the work of one person or few. It was something bigger than that. A bigger plan. It felt like she was just a puppet that was doing things and going places where they want her to. She trusted Namjoon, but it all seems made up.

She believed the information she got about organized crime was the most prominent hint here. She held herself back from telling about this to Namjoon. While walking  in the corridors thinking about all the possible evidences she realised one thing.

She ran quickly to her office. She quickly searched all the drawers and shelves to find the files. On the top shelf laid a red file labelled 'crew'. She pulled it out and searched  every page. It included all the information , resume of all her crew members. Ones that left and ones which are working with her. On the last page was the most recent one, Jeon Jungkook.

Her heart beat fasten as she hoped what she was thinking isn't true but her heart sunk as she realised she was right. Jungkook didn't have any qualifications in Journalism, Photography, Cinematography or anything required for this field. Namjoon never hired someone without a proper qualification to avoid mistakes.

It all started connecting in her head. Jungkook knew her cameraman dies, he was at funeral and the very next time in news station, he had the job in her team without any reliable degree or diploma. He knew more about the murder and the killer's plan than anyone else. It all made sense.

He was part of the plan. Namjoon was involved in it. Namjoon brought Jungkook here and he must know everything. Maybe the others were involved as well but she needed answers.  She had to find clues without informing her team about everything she finds. She can't trust them. Atleast now.

She ran out of her office to go back to Dami's house. Walking out of building, she saw Namjoon get into car and driving off. She unlocked her car and followed him.  This could be really bad if what she thinks is happening is true. The route seemed familiar to her in a bad way. His car stopped in front of a ruined building and he got out. She parked her Car a little farther than his to avoid getting caught.

The building was the one jungkook had brought her on her first meet with him. when they ran away from shooting. She followed him inside. It was same as before. She still felt like coughing from the dust, but controlled it. She followed him until she saw him stop in track. She hid behind the wall in a turning. He opened the door of the room in front of him and closed it.

She walked there and looked at the room number. She felt millions of emotions at once. Betrayed, hurt, naive everything that described her at the moment.  Her world was crashing down as she read it. 



The actual investigation starts now 👀
Do you guys think Jungkook is involved too?

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