Chapter 5

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Something about Jungkook was bothering Jennie which she couldn't pinpoint  exactly, but it was irritating nonetheless.

It didn't make sense to her at all. It was as though he had different personalities or he had a twin  that only looked like him and the other personality was She’d never been very good with people - even less so with boys.

And today felt strange. They were rushing to film at a murder site and all Jennie hope was to not end in the same situation.  The camera crew seemed to be taking forever to get ready for filming.


They were finally here. The police was everywhere around the house trying their best to stop the reporters from entering the murder site.  The crime scene investigators had finished photographing the area and the whole place felt eerily still and silent. It almost reminded them of an old horror movie.  The eerie silence seemed to be weighing on everybody's shoulders.

"Remember the last time this happened?" Jennie shot a glare towards Jungkook. Ofcourse he would bring that up.

"Why wouldn't I? After all I still regret it" she wasn't going to sugarcoat her feelings anymore. That wasn't a conversation they should be having. "No you don't." Jungkook said calmly. "Jennie, we should go out" was he in his senses ? "I'm not interested in you"

"I was just telling you that we should leave this place right now"


"Don't tell me you thought I was asking you out" He scoffed.

"Well you made it sound like that. For your kind information it's 'we should get out' instead of ' we should go out' for a more understandable conversation"

"Easy tiger. My bad" He smiled. A very gentle smile. She had seen him smile before too with other people at the station but this one was too soft. As if the most genuine one he had given.  His face had softened considerably.
"We have work to do you know? This is not a time for jokes-"

"I know" he rolled his eyes playfully. "Sorry. I was just excited to be here." He glanced back at the police. "They're pretty good aren't they? They are helping us solve this case afterall."

"Yeah, yeah." She waved him off.
He reached down and took her hand in his, "What do you say, Jennie? Do you want to stay here and continue looking into my work?"

"I'm just joking"
"You basically claimed to be the murderer"
"As a joke. I'm not a murderer"

he chuckled lightly at her scowl and continued to hold her hand. It was a weird sensation, being held by someone else when she hated it so much.Why did she let him?

It must've been the adrenaline making her feel better because otherwise she really would have kicked his ass.  He might look sweet, but she wasn't stupid. She knew what he was capable of.  She couldn't believe she'd just fallen for his act though.She tried pushing his hand away but he held onto it tightly, "Look at them" he motioned towards the police officers that were still busy inspecting the scene, "...they look stressed out, aren't they?"
She nodded, but didn't take her eyes away. "The cameras..."she pointed to the set they were stood next to. "It makes them nervous."
"That's why we can't stay here"
"Then where are we supposed to go?"
He smirked slightly, "Why don't you go see who the other killer is and I'll wait here."
She opened her mouth to protest. But decided to question him.

"other killer?"
"you think it's someone inside the house?"
"If the murderer had the audacity to break in through the front door how much riskier would it be for the killer to break in through the kitchen window?"He turned back toward the entrance and smiled once again.

"The one at front door was distraction. Real killer came through kitchen window"

"You're insane."
"maybe I am" he grinned wider, "but what if I am right?"
"So we shouldn't leave because...?"She gestured to the cameras. "There could be evidence we could find."

"Exactly" He nodded enthusiastically. "So...why don't you go and ask around while I wait here."

She sighed, "Fine. Just make sure you keep track of the cameras while I'm gone okay?"
"Of course" he nodded once again, "don't worry about me."
Before Jennie could argue any further he pulled away from her and walked over to talk with the others that surrounded him.
This was insane. Why would she agree to something this insane. It's not like the police hadn't warned them about the possibility of finding evidence that could link them to the murderer. If anything she expected the police to call her at the first sign of evidence linking the two suspects together.
But she wasn't complaining.

She reached the kitchen. To her surprise no one was investigating there. She walked back into the living room and asked the nearest person "Why aren't they investigating the kitchen?"  "The kitchen is perfectly fine. They checked it already" The person replied calmly.

"But the window is broken" she argued "Look miss. I'm not here to hear your fantasies, the kitchen window is perfectly fine and composed. We already checked it half an hour ago" On hearing that, Jennie ran back to the kitchen. The window was indeed broken.

And that meant only one thing. The actual killer came in later which meant only one thing....the killer's target was someone else in this house.


A very late update. Apologies for that. To make it up, I'll double post today. Maybe even triple post.

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