Chapter 3

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"...The Taekban group have denied their involvement in the recent murder cases happening in Seoul. Are they hiding the truth? If yes then why? This is Jennie Kim reporting from HND news."  The camera panned up to show the front of a large house. In the foreground were several reporters in uniform and a few police officers, standing outside the door looking bored.  There was an ominous air about them that made the big front feel small.

"In these disturbing days, the Seoul Police Department has begun asking questions around the internet regarding suspicious activities on the part of prominent social and political figures" A voice said from behind.

Jennie turned her head around to look for the owner of voice which definitely didn't belong to her crew.  Her eyes found a young man leaning over a motorbike, wearing a black shirt and jeans. His arms seemed oddly muscular for someone with a babyface. She couldn't help but notice the faint golden tint his hair had, making his dark eyes stand out even more.

It's not like she was expecting him to be handsome or anything, it was more a physical observation than something else.  He looked very much unlike a typical person she'd expect to see hanging around the murder site on a daily basis. "Do I know you?"  She asked unconsciously. 

He just stared at her before giving a small smile. "No but I'd like to know you"
She shrugged. "Not really the best place to start."
His brows scrunched together slightly before he responded "That's why I'm here.""
She gave a small laugh. "You should have come in a nicer outfit."
He smirked, showing off a row of teeth that caught her attention, "I'll wear my finest clothing when I go in there.""What do you mean by that?"
His smirk widened. "When I get inside."

Her jaw dropped slightly before narrowing her eyes in a glare. "Don't play games with me, you son of a-"
A loud bang cut her off mid sentence. Her hand instinctively went to hold her ear which felt unusually warm. Before she could say more though, one of the officer started talking. "We request all people present here to  stop at the entrance. Please do not approach the scene. The killer is still active, please stay back!".

Jennie watched as several policemen stepped forward while pointing to everyone who tried to move closer. She felt someone else holding her arm and before she could comprehend what's happening the guy pulled her with him and ran. Their sudden running away from the scene didn't go unnoticed, neither by the crowd nor the police and within moments the bullets started to be fired on them .

It was like some sort of nightmare. The screams, cries and gunshots all sounded muffled. The people around them ducked down and covered their heads as if trying to protect themselves from a bomb. She looked around at the mass of terrified people, trying to get a good look where exactly the bullets were aimed.

"Wear it and sit. Hold on tight".He gave her a helmet. There was another motorbike. It was as if he planned this beforehand. He had the key. He knew it beforehand.  And now they're racing towards the bridge. "Hold tight! Don't let go!"

He called again.
"Where are we going?" She yelled over the noise of the engine and wind in her ears.
"Somewhere safe. We need to hide somewhere until everything calms down."
He responded.
"Why?!" They were speeding so fast she felt dizzy.
"Because I can't answer your questions right now."

He replied, not slowing down. "Just trust me okay?"
There was another gun shot and they both jumped. "Okay, fine. What now?"
Before he could answer there was an explosion behind them and a huge plume of flame erupted into the air. Her stomach lurched and it took her a moment to process what she saw. The entire building just collapsed into a smoking mess. She wasn't sure if it was a pile of rocks or just an empty building in general.  But that didn't matter anymore.

All that mattered now was getting as far as possible from this dangerous scene.  Her grip tightened on his jacket and she focused on not slipping off his bike. He was going way too fast and she needed to hang onto him to stay seated, but she was too scared to let go.

They arrived in front of a tall building.  They were surrounded by darkness and smoke. She felt the bike slow down.
He removed her helmet and helped her out. "Come on" he whispered into her ear before leading her into the abandoned building.

She followed quietly behind him, unsure of what happened to the people who were still in the street. As soon as they entered the building she began coughing. The air inside must've been contaminated because they quickly exited into another corridor.  This time he kept walking until they stopped in front of a room. Room 409. It read. He pulled the handle and opened the door and led her inside.

Once he shut the door he placed his hands on his knees and leaned his forehead against the door. When he straightened himself out his face was completely emotionless. He looked almost calm. Like he knew what he was doing. Like he knew what would happen next.

"This might sound crazy..." he spoke softly, almost hesitant. "...but I need you to understand how important it is for you to be careful. Do you understand?" She shook her head. Not trusting herself to speak in case she accidentally screamed "Yes!" He held up his hand as she moved to speak "Let me finish.." She nodded and sat on the bed.

He pulled a chair closer and sat down as well. "...If the killer is means it's likely they know what you're doing. You don't need any extra distractions. I will try to distract them from you, okay?"
"But how-" She didn't know how to continue.
He smiled. "Don' worry. Just trust me and leave the building" Then he stood up and walked out of the room without another word.

She opened the door and saw him walking in hallway. "Who are you?" Her voice was lower than usual but very loud in this empty building.

He stopped in his track. After seconds of standing there, he turned around, a smirk painted on his face.

"Me? I'm Jungkook"


Do you think the guy who turned around (Jungkook) is the one who saved her? Or the one who is looking for them?

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