Chapter 7

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Jungkook was the first to show up the station among her crew. And today he was nowhere to be found and that made Jennie extremely worried. Jennie was a crime news reporter which meant she only covered crime related news and today they didn't have anywhere to go unless a crime happened suddenly.

She couldn't take it any longer. She called him , "Hey." He turned around in the doorway of his office and looked at her. There was still that small smile on his lips, not quite an actual grin but more like he was about to laugh so his cheeks would pucker and crinkle. It made the corners of his eyes go down too making his nose look really cute. It' like the smile had a mind of its own and Jungkook was trying desperately to fight it off, "Good morning", he said, his voice sounding breathy and husky as if he just woke up or from laughing.

His eyes were glancing up and down her body looking for something. His hands shoved into the pockets of the black jeans he wore, with a dark blue turtleneck underneath. His hair was ruffled up in the front where he obviously spent a lot of time running his fingers through the short strands.

It wasn't a bad sight and she thought maybe if there was some other situation that he wouldn't look so adorable and she'd want to punch him. He'd look good enough to kill for, even.  Jennie swallowed thickly.

She felt warm all over when she saw Jungkook. Her heart beat rapidly against her ribcage, "You're late," she stated. Jungkook grinned and looked at the clock on the wall, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I was dropping off my  sister. That's why I'm late"

he explained with a sheepish expression, scratching at the back of his neck. Jennie bit her bottom lip nervously watching him.
He came to her desk, putting his hand on it to prop himself up and looked at her with furrowed eyebrows "So, what about today's work?" he asked while looking at the computer screen in front of him "What are we looking for? What do you need to find out? "

Jennie looked away and focused on her computer screen while Jungkook sat on the couch across her. He was quiet, observing her every move, "Well-" she started, "Today's assignment is to find out the story behind this case. So far we've got nothing so far but it' been confirmed that the victim has ties with the police department. There are also people involved with organized crime."

"There are?" Jungkook leaned forward intrigued, "Like what?" He questioned. Jennie opened her mouth and then closed it again, "Um... I don't know much about them. They're called gangsters.""What' the difference between mobsters and organized crime?" Jungkook's brows knitted and he frowned in concentration.

Jennie could tell he was trying very hard to figure out this. He looked cute like this, his forehead furrowed and his lips pursed. He looked like a little kid trying to solve a difficult math problem.

"They're more political. You know..."Jennie started slowly. "Organized crime is the stuff you hear stories about.""How many times have we been told there are organized crime syndicates?" Jungkook looked at her, frowning deeper now. "And don't say gangsters" she added when he was about to protest.

"This isn't a movie Jungkook.""Right, right" he nodded, sitting back down. Jennie let out a deep sigh and rubbed at her temple. This day was gonna be long. Jungkook seemed like he was going to talk for hours. The last thing she needed was to be interrupted by him.


The next few days went by in a blur. They went through interviews, statements and documents left by each witness. Their reports went through three different departments. The precinct and station.
They were working under strict supervision.

Jennie was confused. Why did the news station want her to investigate so much about a case? Her work was to cover the news and the site of crime. But what's with going through everything when none of this was to be published. At this point, they were asking her to do detective stuff.

It was like she had taken part in a spy thriller or something.She didn't understand this assignment. She wasn't even a criminal investigator! Or an investigator for that matter. How was she supposed to protect the citizens if nobody even knew who they are?

Jungkook looked up from his desk when she entered the room. "What's wrong?" he asked, looking concerned. Jennie shook her head and plopped down next to him at his desk. He glanced at her quickly before he turned back to his paperwork. The corner of his lips curved upwards slightly. "You seem troubled by something"

he remarked, "Want to talk about it?"
Jennie chewed the inside of her cheek and avoided his gaze, shaking her head. Jungkook shrugged but didn't question her.

The rest of the shift went by uneventful. Once she finished the last of her reports, she packed the things in her bag and headed towards the door. "Thank you for today Jungkook," she sighed, "But I don't think it'll end well"

Jungkook gave her a funny look, "Huh? What do you mean? I thought you liked crime reporting. Didn't your parents tell you how dangerous it can get?" she snorted at his words, rolling her eyes, "No, that's not what I meant. I know how dangerous this is.  I just don't feel comfortable doing this. I know it makes no sense but something seems wrong here and I don't think I'm going to like what I see." she muttered, walking past him.

"Don't worry" Jungkook chuckled, reaching for the door handle to lock it behind him, "I'll keep you safe" she paused in her steps and rolled her eyes. He probably had a death wish since his smile widened and he winked at her and she groaned loudly. "See ya!"
she threw her hands up and waved back at him exasperatedly, "Yeah whatever" she muttered to herself and walked away without waiting for his reply.

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