Chapter 9

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They rest of the day passed without any memorable event. Jungkook had gone god knows where while Jennie followed Dami who later apologized for her panicked outburst and left. Hyunjin had been trying to contact station regarding the interview while Lisa was on her laptop all the time.

"We are finally home" Hyunjin said. "That's my house" "our home" There was no point in denying that. Hyunjin and Lisa felt more comfortable in her house than herself. Jungkook seemed unbothered.

He sat down on a chair and took off his shoes, stretching his legs out before him.
He leaned back and closed his eyes for a moment. His head fell backwards and hit against the wall behind him hard. The impact made a soft thump sound before it echoed again. A small groan came from his mouth as he rubbed his forehead.

"Let's play truth or dare" Lisa smiled. Hyunjin jumped around clapping his hand as a yes gesture. The other two didn't seem fond of the idea after a long day.  Jungkook nodded in agreement as well. "But let's make a deal..." He began. Jungkook wasn’t looking at them as he spoke. “I’ll ask everyone if they want to do truth or dare, but I have one condition". "What is it?" Lisa asked curiously. "No lies." "Fine by me" she shrugged. 

He spun the bottle Lisa had brought out of kitchen. It pointed on Lisa.
"Truth" Lisa chose right away. Jungkook rolled his eyes. Truth was usually Lisa's preferred choice. "Who was the guy who texted you 'Looking as bright as a star' on your phone?" Hyunjin asked. "Oh it was Tae-wait did you go through my texts? " She screamed at him.  Jungkook just laughed at how surprised and hurt she looked. "Don't worry, I deleted everything when I got bored" "But still! You know better than that, don't be mean!"
"So, how come none of us were able to get a hold of this dude since then?" Hyunjin wondered.

The night went on with silly truths or dare.
"I call it night babes" Lisa got up from her seat and walked towards Jennie's bedroom. Hyunjin also excuses himself to bathroom. Now it was just two of them. Jennie thought they were waiting for Hyunjin to return.
Jungkook spun the bottle again. It landed on Jennie. "Dare" Jennie seemed to be in mood for doing anything interesting other than the case. He smirked at her.

"You'll do anything?" "Anything" she didn't catch the naughtiness of his tone. She thought he was thinking of something while staring at her. She was too caught in his eyes that she didn't notice how close he was to her now.

Inches close until finally their noses brushed against each other slightly. She could feel the warmth coming from his body and the smell of his perfume was filling her nose. She blushed and tried to break eye contact with him."Anything", she repeated."Good" he muttered as he pressed his lips against hers. She closed her eyes tightly.

He kissed her softly at first. She opened her eyes slowly as he continued to kiss her. She felt her heart beat faster as their kisses grew more intense.
She ran her hands through his hair slowly and lightly bit on his lip causing him to pull her closer.  He deepened the kiss further until he could feel her hands resting on his chest. His hands rested on both of her hips as he left soft, sensual trails on her lower lip.  Her body reacted to him instantly. He moved his hands to her lower back and pulled her closer making her gasp slightly.

She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck pulling him even deeper into the kiss. She felt him smile against her lips before moving away from her slightly. He placed a few more short gentle pecks on her lips before leaning back to look her in the eyes.  Her blush was prominent now that he pulled away. She cleared her throat and tried to focus on what was going on instead of her racing heartbeat.

Before they could talk about what just happened. He walked away into the kitchen. Jennie didn't know what to do now. The kiss was out of nowhere. Sure he was attractive but fuck why did her body not control herself at his touch. And why did her body respond to him?  Her cheeks flushed redder with every passing second.

  She covered her face as she tried to calm down. She took deep breaths while she tried to steady herself.
"Are you okay?" She heard him ask from a distance. She looked up and saw him standing there with his arms crossed, waiting for an answer. She didn't reply, she couldn't reply. Her mind was blank. He sighed and sat down beside her on the couch. He held her hand gently in his.  "It was just a kiss". He said reassuringly. She stared at him in disbelief. "How can it be just a kiss" she mumbled incoherently. His smile faded.  He let go of her hand. "I am sorry", he apologized.
"I shouldn't have done that" He got up and started heading to the door.
She quickly stood up and called out "Wait!" He stopped but remained standing, still facing the guesf room door. She bit her lips nervously and looked around her living room, anywhere but at him. "Just... don't tell anyone ok? Please?" She whispered in defeat. He nodded and smiled.

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