Chapter 16

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Jennie spotted Lisa near the coffee machine and walked to her. "Hey Lili!!" Jennie spoke up. Lisa turned around and smiled "Hey nini!!" And hugged her. Jennie took this chance to get few strands of her hair.

She pulled away from hug. "I'll see you in a bit" Said Jennie as she walked away. Lisa stood there confused.


"Joon, can I ask you for a favour?" Jennie spoke up to the man in front of her. "Yeah sure Jen" He replied as he sipped the coffee in his hands.

(Note - Joon here is Lee Joon (actor))

"I want you to see if these two DNA are a match" she said as she handed him two ziplock bags - one having lipstick and other having strands of her.

He looked up to her. "Sure" was all he replied as he took the items from her. She thanked him and walked away. She turned her heels towards right corridor.

He pulled out his phone and dialed a contact.
"Hello. Jennie came in today. She asked me to match DNA of two samples"

Jennie smirked behidn the wall as she heard him talk. Step one. Complete.


Jungkook sighed as he heard from Joon. What was Jennie upto? First, wanting to go to that building then picking up the lipstick. He saw it all. He wasn't fooled by her excuse. He clearly had seen her pendant around her neck.

He knew what she was after but he didn't want her to get hurt in the process of it. Even if he knew her final destination, he didn't know which route she'll take. Neither was he in the position to help her. On the contrary, he was there to hurt her.  So he kept quiet and continued watching.

He'd let her make her move on her own. Jungkook just had to be patient until then.

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