Chapter 13

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Jennie packed her needed stuff in her handbag. A pepper spray, a pocket knife, ziplock bag, gloves, her wallet and her keys. Her phone buzzed. It was a text from Namjoon.

"Complete the files I gave you by today"

Her eyebrows knitted at the message. She replied

"Which files?"

Within few seconds her phone lit again.

"The ones I sent with Jungkook"

Jungkook? He didn't give her any files today.  And if he did, why would he be so insistent on them being done today? Was he trying to stop her from going there?

And why did Jungkook not tell her anything about this? She dialed Jungkook's number. "I'm here" The voice didn't come out of phone, it was him in front of her. He smiled. "Let's go" Did he forget about the files?

She wanted to ask him but decided against it. She walked alongside him until they reached the parking lot.

She eyed every car she could see. She couldn't find Jungkook's. "Here wear this" she looked at him who handed her helmet. He was on a motorbike. He probably got it here while she was busy finding car.

"We are riding this?" His expression didn't change at all when she asked him that. "Yeah." He said shortly before starting the bike. "Come on," he waved his hand towards the bike as a invitation.

"But-" he started the engine before she could finish her sentence. She climbed on top of the bike before putting on her helmet. She gripped onto him tightly, arms around his waist. He revved up the motorcycle before speeding off.

"I hate motorbikes" He chuckled. "Why?" He asked. She didn't reply to his curious question instead continued. "We should've taken the car instead"

"No. I like this better. It reminds me of our first meet" She could sense the happiness in his voice. Was he just a good actor or really felt something for her?

"There was nothing memorable about it" she stopped " it was traumatizing " He listened to her but refrained from replying.
They rode for several minutes before reaching their destination. Jennie removed her helmet to see the building who brought her nothing but trauma and betrayal.

He held her hand and brought her inside the building and into the room. Her eyes roamed around the room to find anything that would give her a clue, a hint, a path.

She saw few burnt cigarettes at one corner. Her mind went to all the people around her who smoked. Lisa. Lisa used to smoke when Jennie first met her but she told her that she got rid of that.

His hands pulled her towards him. "I didn't bring you hear to pay more attention to the room than me" He whispered to her ear before leaving small kisses on her neck and kissing her collarbone. She pushed him back a little. He looked rejected. He moved a back willingly when she grabbed his collar and pulled him close.

"Will it just be a kiss?"

Its just a kiss. That's what he said last time.

He whispered "no"

"It'll mean thousand more things to me" he continued. She moved her hands from his collar to his face, cupping his cheeks as she pulled herself closer to him.

"I don't want to hurt you" He placed his hands on her waist as she leaned forwards to kiss him. His words went unnoticed to her.
She kissed him deeply. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest.

His grip on her waist tightened a bit before relaxing. Their tongues tangled together. They kissed passionately. She felt his hands moving under her shirt and caressing her skin. She moaned slightly. He pressed his lips to hers once more. She moved forward to deepen the kiss again. He pulled away.

Their chests rose and fell rapidly. She rested her forehead against his, her hands running through his hair.
She closed her eyes. His nose bumped against her nose before pressing soft pecks to her lips. She opened her eyes. He stared at her intensely. She felt warm everywhere he touched.

"Would you betray me?" She asked. His eyes held many emotions but she'd never understand them. "No" Lies.

Even if she hated to do so, she wanted to have him. Her key to this case. "I love you" he said. If this plan doesn't work out, shame on her dreams of being a detective. 

He hugged her close. She, ironically, felt safe in his arms. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest. " I love you too" she mumbled against his chest. Then she remembered she had something she wanted to say. She lifted her head.

"where are the files boss gave you?"

author's pov - I don't think that plan will work out if you bring files in romance. back to story.

He gave a deep chuckle. "I didn't want you to stress over it today and cancel this little date. I gave them to Lisa. She'll do the work"

Her eyes landed on the lipstick on the floor. It was the exact same lipstick Lisa wears. Maybe it's what she is thinking. Maybe not.

She asked Jungkook if he had seen her star pendant . He asked her to wait for him while he checks the corridors. She takes the chance to get her gloves out and pick the lipstick.

She quickly turns her pendant other side. Now the star was at the back. She walked out of room.

"Jungkook I found it" She said as she turned it back to its place. "It moved a bit" He smiled holding her hand.

The day was important to both.
Jennie, who found few evidences to look out for and Jungkook, who found million reasons to smile for.

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