Chapter 12

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Her doubts were true. Namjoon, a man who she worked for several years who she trusted the most, betrayed her. Jungkook, who despite being suspicious, made her feel comfortable enough, betrayed her.

She heard noises from inside. There were many people inside. Her hands shook as she took her phone out and called Jungkook. To her dismay, she heard the Jungkook's phone ring inside the room. The noise stopped when someone answered the phone and spoke. She heard the same voice speaking to whoever was on the other side of the line. ‘Hello’ his voice said, in a polite tone that made her want to slap it away and break it down until nothing remained.

She cut the call and walked away. She had no courage to stand there anymore. She felt like she was suffocating. Her heart beat fast and faster. She ran into the nearest alleyway, hiding under an awning. She closed her eyes and put her head against the wall, taking deep breathes and hoping her chest would not hurt with every intake. She breathed out slowly and counted. Five. Six. Seven. Eight... Nine breaths... Ten... Eleven breaths. A little less than thirty seconds later, she opened her eyes again, feeling a bit better after having done so.

She drove away from the place and went back to news station. When she arrived, she got out of the car and started walking towards the office. Her eyes were red, and she rubbed them as hard as she could. No good. She kept rubbing her face with her fists and then wiping it with her jacket. Her hand moved from her face to her hair and she pulled at it tightly.

She found Dami waiting for her in her office. They sent her to distract me as if Jungkook wasn't enough to do the same. She thought. She composed herself as she sat on her chair. She had to play along. "What brings you here?" Jennie asked her.

"I did hear strange noises outside the window. It wasn't stray cats" Dami said. Jennie knew that already but decided to pretend to be curious.  She leaned her arms on the desk, looking at Dami as she talked.

"Didn't you check the windows? You must have forgotten about it." Jennie replied calmly while she played dumb. She couldn't give anything away just yet. She wanted to find something in Dami’s words. Maybe it wasn't what Jennie thought. Or maybe it was what she suspected all along. They had a silent conversation through their expressions. It lasted only one second or two before Dami's expression changed subtly. It looked like Jennie hit where it hurt.

Dami nodded in agreement and looked at her.  "that's all I remember. I just wanted to tell that" she stood up. "You could've said it on call" Jennie said without moving from her position. Dami ignored her words with a panicked expression and walked out. She wasn't prepared to be asked that question.

Jennie smirked. It was game now and she refused to back away.

If they didn't know she was suspicious they wouldn't suspect anything. If Dami believed her then everything was fine because Dami was stupid.

She fiddled the pen in her hands as she stared at wall thinking about all that happened today and the day hadn't even ended yet. Jungkook entered the cabin. Such a convincing actor.

"You called me earlier than cut it off. Any matter?" He sat on the desk. The desk. He has a playful expression on face. She remained silent. "you needed a kiss? or more? " he joked. She didn't laugh. She wasn't getting swayed by his charms or flirting. 

Jennie kept quiet. His smile disappeared and he looked genuinely surprised by her reaction. "Why are you behaving so weird?" His gaze met hers and held it for some moments. He saw a different side of her. She didn’t say a word. He sighed. "Fine". He was ready to walk.

"Jungkook" He returned back to his position. "Sometimes I wonder" pause "Why did you save me? we didn't even know each other that time" she asked. He smiled softly. "Love at first sight maybe" liar. "Stop joking jeon" "Fine. I just did because I felt like it" he paused in mid sentence "but I do feel a romantic attraction towards you now" Jennie had no idea if he was being honest right now. Maybe playing alone wouldn't hurt.

"I guess love really is blind" he continued. "But your response won't change how I feel. and maybe these feelings will keep growing more and more with days passing" he added. She still hadn't given him any response. What did he mean? Love at first sight? She shook her head. "What's your favourite thing about this job?" she asked trying to get some words out of him regarding Namjoon or the killer or him.

"you" His eyes were hypnotizing. His words were convincing. But now Jennie knew better than anyone to not give into it. Since the earliest years of her life, she had been known to adapt to situations better, act quickly and come up with solution. She wished she would've been taught about dealing with emotions too.

"Jungkook I've something to tell you" He seems hopeful. "Can you take me back to the building where we found shelter?" He seemed hesitant. Yes was all he replied and left her alone. She watched him calling someone quickly.

This was her chance and very first move.

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