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Firstly, I want to thank all the people who are supporting this book. I'm really thankful to all of you <33

As the first week of new year comes to end, I wanted to tell a lot of things about this book.

I wanted to update as much as possible in first week as a new year gift for all the readers.

I'll be updating one more chapter today.

I'll be writing just as much as this week in coming days too.

Now I want to say something about this books history.
I wrote the very first chapter 'A chase for the survival' back in April, 2023.

I didn't like it initially so I threw the idea of publishing it away and never wrote any other chapter.

In November, I rediscovered the draft and thought to reuse the storyline.

And that's how it started.

In further chapters, I want to highlight other characters pov more than Jennie's to create a better understanding of the storyline and let readers see the killer through different perspective.

Finally, I hope y'all support the book in future too <3 and really thankful for the votes and views.

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