Chapter 10

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"YAH WAKE UP JENNIE KIM" Lisa shook the girl sleeping whose grip around her pillow tightened.  "MOTHERFUCKING WAKEN UP YOU BITCH".  A muffled groan came from underneath Jen's head that caused Lisa to smile.

Jennie pushed Lisa off her and walked into the bathroom. After 45 minutes, or maybe longer, she walked out to find the other three waiting for her to start eating breakfast. Despite all three pair of eyes being at her, hers only looked out for Jungkook's. He smiled at her.

To her, he was a riddle. And somehow his smile reminded her of the first time they met. It was tragic. But the more she remembered the more she was curious, she knows nothing about him. He was her cameraman. Saved her during firing. Showed up at the funeral being a total jerk. Joined her crew. Gave evidence which police didn't find. He knew more about the case than anyone else. Even her. As if he planned all of this. Or he knew that someone did.

He had a sister. Nothing much about his personal life that jennie knew. It was as if he was the criminal, and he was the crime too. He was the artist and he was the art too. He was the singer and he was the song too.  He was the photographer and he was the photos too. He was the lover and he was the love too.

"Jennie" He was standing in front of her now. They all were waiting for her. Both walked to the table. Everyone ate in silence which Lisa decided to break "So. No offence but you know I kind of feel like there's something going on with you and Jungkook. As in something romantic"
"What are you talking about?" She put down her fork and turned towards Lisa.  "We're just friends."

Lisa laughed sarcastically "That doesn't mean you don't have feelings for each other. I can't believe how oblivious both of you are."
She glared at Lisa. "Lisa, we don't have anything going on" Jungkook finally spoke up.  "You're reading way too much into our relationship. Jennie and I just have some... chemistry." Jennie looked at him. He winked at her.
Lisa chuckled. "Whatever you say" she rolled her eyes and went back to eat her breakfast.  "wait you guys just kissed last night" Hyunjin spoke up. Both of them were too caught in the kiss that they forgot he might've return from bathroom. "THEY WHAT?? OMG I SAW THIS COMING" Lisa screamed. "I walked away because I didn't want to ahm disturb your make out session" Hyunjin scratched the back of his head. The rest breakfast and ride back to other three's house was just them trying to explain the other two about their non existing relationship.


The news station was home to rustling  voices and bustling bodies of people who were working on reports for the day.  Jen entered through the door of the lobby of the building and headed for the elevators.

When she pressed the buttons to her floor she realized that it wasn't even the correct number, and then tried another one.  Finally, when she reached the desired number she pushed the button and waited patiently to get on. She saw a group of people entering the elevator behind her.  One of them stepped out of the line first and gave her a small smile, which she returned. Jen felt a little bit uncomfortable. Her heart beating a mile a minute, yet again. She was starting to feel sick. Just great.

"Oh, hey, Jennie Kim!" Said a familiar voice. She looked up to see Jimin grinning at her. His face was a mix of concern and relief."Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine" Jen lied. "Just a bit tired is all" she quickly brushed it off, hoping that Jimin wouldn't ask any questions further. Jennie walked out of the elevator as soon as she reached her floor. Something about the station didn't feel right today.

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