Chapter 17

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Kim Taehyung. Jeon Jeongmin. The two officers that went missing. (Chapter 4)

Jennie was thinking about this when suddenly her mind replayed the scene where Hyunjin asked Lisa about the guy she was texting and she replied with 'Tae'. (Chapter 9)

Could it be the same person?

Probably not.

Why would Lisa contact a police officer who was missing?

She skimmed through the documents she had printed long ago to find the article featuring the officer and the shooting event.

Finally, she found it.

"During a crime investigation, an active killer shot many people present at the scene. The injured ones were immediately taken to hospital. However, one of the most honoured police officer, Kim Taehyung, along with a fellow officer, Jeon Jeongmin, are reported to be missing. A search party is organized to locate the missing officers"

Jennie immediately typed 'Kim Taehyung' on her computer to read more.  She clicked onto another news site. There were articles as well.

Her eyes landed on the most significant piece of news. A seven years old news article.

"Seoul police officer, Kim Taehyung, formerly accused of drugs consumption, is proved to be innocent"

The news was written by a male journalist from some small news station in South Korea called 'Korea Daily', apparently based in Seoul. Apparently the police and many other influential people were involved in the drug case but Jennie had no idea how involved they actually were.
She skimmed over the rest of the article, finding out that their names were

Park Eun-cha
Ha Minjun
Choi Chaeri
Kim Dongwon
Jeon Handae
Kim Aera
Park Junyoung
Jeon Jeongmin
Bang Ji-eun
Geum Iseul

Jennie was present at Park Junyoung's murder site and that was the exactly the same location Jeon Jeongmin went missing.

Bang Ji-eun was the next victim.
If the list is true, Geum Iseul, who is the last on the list, is most likely to be next.

Jennie had concluded two things;
First, Kim Taehyung is deeply involved with this murder series. Maybe he is the killer too.
Second, this case was only covered by the small and unknown news station whereas the other stations remained quiet. The person who wrote this articles was someone that can help her.

She typed the name of these people and retrieved information about their death.
Coincidentally, all of them were murdered. And the very first murder of Park Euncha took place in 2021. 3 Years ago.

For all she knew, this case is way more complicated.


"Oppa" Hanni waved at her brother. Jungkook looked up from his phone and smiled. She ran walk towards him. "I thought you'd be at work now" She said as she took the packet of chips he handed her.

"Yeah but nowadays, it's not really safe in cities. And if you think I'd let you be alone after a guy was stalking you, you are wrong. Anyways, is the principal in?"

He asked. He remembered that principal called him in to talk about Hanni.



"Well Mr Jeon, your sister beat up a student badly. The school committee cannot stay quiet on such issue and hence we are going to suspend Hanni for the next 2 weeks" The principal stated.

"Well in that case, I'm pretty sure the school committee wouldn't like to stay quiet when a student is harassing another student by stalking them" Jungkook spoke confidently.

"He deserved that beating. If the school committee doesn't take action against him, I will take the matter in my own hands" He continued. "That's all" He walked out with Hanni following him behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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