Chapter 8

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Jennie couldn't be more nervous. The neighbor of the victim finally agrees on an interview. And that's what brings Jennie and her crew to the same dreaded site again.  That same dreadful site where the victims' body were found after the person died and left in such a way. That same horrific site that's always haunted by those awful images and nightmares.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked her. Lisa was the editor and decided to tag along for the interview.  She sat beside Jennie in her car and stared at Jennie with worried eyes."Yeah I'm fine. We're all just anxious, but we shouldn't think about this right now," Jennie tried to make it sound as realistic as possible.

"I think she is nervous" Great. Just great. Jungkook had to interrupt them just now. "You think a lot Jeon"
"You think the same things which I do except I state them" He wasn't wrong. She was as invested as him into the culprits identity.  It was weird how they were all so interested in the killer, or killers, or whatever the police call them.

They stared intensely at each other, trying to figure out what the other is thinking. Jungkook could easily read her every thought from the way she gazed at him but Jennie would never be able to figure out what he thought. what he was.

"Okay guys drop the tension. I have to type the same interview for the website too so make sure to cover all the questions we decided on Jennie" Lisa interrupted their staring contest and they both nodded their heads at her. They went silent after that and listened to the radio. It was a new song by the popular artists and their songs were pretty good.  Especially when sung along by one who can sing like an angel (Jungkook). Jennie smiled.

"Jennie can I ask you a few things for a quick information check?" Lisa had a lot to talk today. Jennie nodded. Lisa's eyes were fixed on the laptop in front of her as she kept tallying the data.

"The victims name was Bang Ji-eun"
"Age 37"
"Stabbed in abdomen"
"The culprit entered from the front door"
"It was actually wind-"
"Yeah it was the front door" Lisa looked up at Jungkook who suddenly interrupted Jennie. They were again now staring at each other making faces which she had no idea what they meant.

Jungkook was signalling Jennie not to speak about it since police claimed the other way. "Are you hiding anything?" it was natural of Lisa to question them. Lisa was an attentive listener who definitely sensed the doubtful-ness in their voice.  Lisa was one of the most observant people in Jennie's life. Jennie didn't understand why. Lisa had a bright personality so the fact that she noticed something wrong with their voices is surprising.

"As you say. Moving on. The person we are interviewing today is a 43 years old lady, Song Da-mi"
"Yeah that's all then. Thanks nini" Jennie smiled back at the other.

"Guys this may sound crazy but what if the killer suddenly showed up at that lady's house and we are again in danger like the last time" Hyunjin exclaimed. He had just exchanged the seats with Jungkook who was driving now while hyunjin joined the girls conversation. He definitely didn't make the situation any better. Dramatic for real.  Jennie sighed.

"What?" Lisa questioned with her hands on her hips while staring at Jennie. "Why did I even invite you three to come here?"
"Because you know I don't listen to your annoying rants and I also wanted to get away from home!" Lisa glared at her, but Jennie couldn't care less because this case isn't getting anywhere fast. She really needed a break.

Lisa turned back to the laptop, but her voice carried over to the rest of the group. "I think we should go back to Jennie's place tonight. You all should be there since so we can catch a break from the case. We could go to Jisoo's house too"

"Great idea, let's do that" Hyunjin grinned while clapping his hands enthusiastically. "I hope you have snacks, Jennie. This will be long night! I'm so excited to meet Jisoo noona" Jennie sighed. There's no way she can stop these two from barging into her house.

She turned to Jungkook who was just driving. "What about you? Join us tonight" She didn't want to leave him out. He had been a huge help for her throughout these weeks. He was indeed very suspicious person yet managed to make sense to Jennie.

"Do you want me to?" He looked at her from the rear view mirror. "Yes" He seemed taken aback when he sensed  no hesitation in her voice. "Fine then" His attention went back to driving.

"It's settle then,  we're staying at JENNIE'S" Hyunjin Laughed and others joined soon.


The lady in front of them looked younger than her age. Jungkook signalled her to start in the count of 3..2...1

"Song Dami-ssi, you are aware about the murder next door?"
"yeah. I have been thinking about it all the time. Oh what the world has come to"
"Did you and jieun get along well as neighbor?"
"Definitely. Besides being neighbors, we have been close friends all along.  Such a kind soul didn't deserve that kind of death"

"Do you recall where you were that night?"
"I was at work"
"Did jieun ever tell you anything strange before the incident?"
"No not really. We were always together all day and night."
"So she never mentioned the possibility of being stalked or followed?"
"Never. We were usually very cautious and wouldn't walk alone late at night. Why do you ask?"

"Have you heard any suspicious sounds outside your window?"
"Of course I have! It must be the stray cats"
"You never saw any suspicious figures around the house?"
"No. Not in my line of vision"
"Have you seen any suspicious characters walking along the street?"
"Not in a while. But I have a question. Why are you interrogating like police?"

Jennie was caught off guard and looked towards the camera to find Lisa mouthing her to ask the questions they prepared.
"Why did you refuse to get interviewed earlier?" Jennie continued with the pre planned questions.

"Oh I was busy. I've already talked to the police and everything. There's nothing else that I can add," Dami smiled and patted her hand on top of the table. Jennie felt bad for her. The interview went on with no significant information other than what already had until the last question.

"do you might be the next target?"
Dami stopped breathing for a few seconds, then started breathing again. "what do you mean?"
"It's just a question. Maybe the next person the killer is targeting is you?"
"But...but....I'm still alive" She said slowly and tried to calm herself down.
She shook her head. Then she spoke quietly. "This is not some kind of joke. Do I look dead to you? Can't we move to another topic?" Her tone was becoming panicked. She stood up and walked towards the exit.
"Excuse me Ms. Dami! Please wait!"
Jungkook called out, but the woman didn't pay any mind to him.

He glanced at Jennie. "I think we should give her some space" she nodded. Jungkook grabbed his bag and left the room as quickly as possible.
"Jennie you'll follow her. Don't lose sight of her please!" Lisa told her in a stern voice. "Be careful" she added, worriedly.
"I am"
"Just try to keep up okay? If you see something unusual go back here immediately"
"Got it" She nodded.

After Jennie left, Lisa turned back to the laptop. "Let's continue the video conference. So tell me Mrs Jeon, why were you at the crime scene?"

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