Chapter 6

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"Jennie" she flinched and turned around to see Jungkook looking at her worriedly. "You were inside for too long so I decided to check on you"
"The killer is in house right now"
"I know"

She stared at his face. The question was why did he know all this and why did he send her here on purpose. He was definitely connected to the culprit. She opened her mouth to ask him but decided against it. Maybe he can lead her to the truth.

It wouldn't hurt right?

"Jennie. We should just film and wrap this up"


Fortunately nothing strange happened after that and they reached the work place safely. "Aight. See you tomorrow miss" He waved in front of her face who was lost in thoughts. He had packed his stuff and was ready to leave for home. Already?

"uh have a good night"
she smiled at him. She watched his shadow fade away in the corridor. Deja vu. She went back to her table and started gathering her belongings.


The door to his house was unlocked. He panicked a bit and ran inside hurriedly to check on Hanni. "So you finally decided to show up after a week" She was standing against the door frame of her room. He sighed. "I'll drop you to school tomorrow. Don't leave by yourself" and with that we walked into his room "AND CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR"

His room looked very clean for someone who came back after a week. Maybe Hanni cleaned it everyday.  But she knew better than anyone that he didn't spend much time there anyway.

He plopped himself on the bed. He'd have to drop Hanni to school everyday. It wasn't safe for her to leave for school alone.  "What am I gonna do?" he said out loud.

His phone rang which caught him off-guard. No one called him at this hour. He pulled it out of his pocket and stared at the unknown number and decided to answer.

"Jungkook-ah" He froze in his spot. Mom called him.  What the hell was going on. His mind was still processing that he answered before his rational side kicked in, he could hear mom sigh on other end "Jungkook, my dear son, how are you doing? How's Hanni? Have you made any new friends?" Did she even had the right to call? He cut off the call immediately. What the hell?

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