Chapter 15

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Lisa was tired of constantly fighting with her father. She didn't want to marry Mingyu. He was a rich spoilt brat who got involved in illegal acts and bullying.  And yet the man kept pushing for their marriage to be blessed by God. The idea was laughable. Why would God bless them? They were both so much different.

23rd October. She remembered that day very well. When she was dressed in a white gown, ready to be married to a man who she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with, she looked up at the sky and prayed.  She hoped that God would show her mercy and protect her from this terrible fate.

Fortunately, her phone ringed. A message from an unknown number.

"If you want to restart your life, meet me outside the skyrise hotel in evening.

The text read. She wondered if it was legit.  The person was a stranger to her after all.
She sighed. She couldn’t back out now. Not now when she had no choice but to go through with it.  Lisa knew her father wouldn’t budge so easily.

She took her chance to sneak out of wedding and run away. A lot of thoughts filled her head. What if the person is a criminal? What if she gets kidnapped? But deep down, she wanted to believe that it was all for better.

Outside the hotel, she looked around to find the stranger whom she didn't know at all and she wondered who was she actually looking for? Everyone was unfamiliar.

"Nice to see you here" a voice spoke from behind. She turned around. The man was a work of art. He was build with utmost patience.  He stood straight. His features showed maturity. He smiled at her. He wore a simple black tuxedo.

"I'm Kim Namjoon" He introduced himself.


"This is Lisa. She'll be working with your team Jennie" Namjoon smiled as he introduced Lisa to Jennie. Jennie gave her most genuine smile and offered to shake hands with Lisa which she gladly accepted.


"You've to keep an eye on all the documents related to this case. Not a single document which exposes us should be out in public"
He spoke as he spun around in his chair.

"Jennie has been going through all the documents. I think she might catch us" Lisa said.

"I don't think she'll catch with our game easily. Let her study the documents. Edit all the confidential information from the computer files" She bowed down as a sign of 'okay'.


Lisa was going to get out of Jennie's bedroom but stopped halfway as she saw Jennie and Jungkook kissing. Her arms around his neck while his snaked around her waist. Is this what Jungkook was meant to do?

She walked back in the room making sure to close the door quietly.

Lisa's eyes diverted to towards Jungkook as his phone rang while they were all talking. It was Jennie. Jungkook answered the call with a polite 'hello'. However Jennie hanged up from the other side of call.

They all stared at each other for a moment. "I think it was by mistake" Lisa spoke up as she pulled out her lipstick to reapply it on her lips. While doing so, she spotted a big cockroach across the room which made her jump and her lipstick fell off her hand.

Everyone laughed. Lisa pouted. How could they laugh at a time like this?

"If you are done scaring over a cockroach then I'd like to talk" Namjoon spoke up. She glared at him but sat down and nodded. "I have a mission for you"

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