𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 // 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝑻𝒆𝒂𝒎

675 19 3

This is before Win knew about Teams sleeping issues

Italics = Speaking



Team threw his bag onto the floor and flopped onto his bed with a groan.

Win chuckled slightly and put his bag on the floor and sat next to Team.

Win: What's up?

Team: Tired.

Win: Do you wanna take a nap?

Team shook his head.

Win: Why not?

Team: Because then I won't be able to fall sleep tonight.

Team then got up from the bed and picked up his bag and sat down at his desk.

Win: What are you doing?

Team yawned.

Team: Homework.

Win nodded with a small smile and started to scroll through his phone.
After around 30 minutes of them sitting in silence Win put his phone down and looked over at Team.

Win: Team?

He smiled slightly and went to sit next to the younger.

Win: Love, are you awake?

He put his hand on Teams arm and shook him gently.

Win: Team?

Team slowly opened his eyes with a soft groan.

Team: Hia...?

Win: Hey, baby. Come on, let's get you to bed.

Team: Hia, no. I need to finish my homework.

Win: I know you want to get it done, but you need to sleep. You're overworking yourself, you need to rest.

Team didn't say anything.

Win: Team, can I ask you something?

The younger nodded slowly.

Win: What time do you usually go to sleep?

Team: Uhm- like...10...?

Win nodded.

Win: Are you sure?

Team: What do you mean? Of course I'm sure!

Win: Then why do you always look so tired? You always have dark circles under your eyes and don't think that I don't see you sleeping in between your classes and at lunch.

Team didn't say anything.

Win: What time do you really go to sleep?

Team: I don't know...I can't...

Win: What do you mean?

Team: I-


Win rubbed his back gently.

Win: It's okay, you can tell me.

Team: I try and go to sleep early but...I always wake up in the night...

Win nodded.

Win: Is there a reason? Or do you just wake up randomly?

Team: There's-...well...

Team: It doesn't matter.

Win: It does matter.


Team: I just...get nightmares sometimes...it's stupid, really.

Win sighed softly.

Win: It's not stupid, baby. Can you tell me what the nightmares are about?


Team: I-...Uhm...

It didn't matter how hard Team tried, he couldn't get the words out.

Couldn't admit it.

Win: It's okay...take your time.

Team: They're...about what happened with my cousin...

Win pulled Team into a hug and the younger buried his face in his boyfriend's shoulder.

Win: Oh Team...why didn't you tell me...? If you told me I could've helped sooner...

After a few minutes, Team pulled away and looked down at his hands.

Team: I just...don't want to bother you...

Win: Baby, you're not bothering me...this isn't your fault. None of it is.

Team felt his eyes become teary at those words.

Win: If it helps, from now on you can sleep in my room.

Team: I-...are you sure? Honestly, Hia it's-

Win: I'm more than sure.

The younger wrapped his arms around Win again.

Team: I love you...

Win smiled.

Win: I love you too.

𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒊 𝑩𝑳 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔<3Where stories live. Discover now