𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝑷𝑻2 // 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝑻𝒆𝒂𝒎

743 21 15

Italics = Speaking

Win: Team, what are you doing I've been calling you for ages now-

Win walked into their bedroom to find Team sobbing, chest heaving, whilst sitting in the corner on the floor.

Win: Team...Team what's wrong?

The younger had something in his hand, but due to the light being off Win couldn't make out what it was.

Win: Team-

He stepped closer to him and squinted his eyes, which practically dilated when he saw what Team was holding.

Win: Team, what are you doing?

Team looked up at him, teary eyed.

Win rushed to him, trying to grab the object out of his hand.

Team: Hia! Hia, stop it!

His voice was hoarse and choked with sobs.

After some more struggling Team managed to shove Win away from him, sending him falling to the floor.

He quickly got back up, afraid of what Team would do if he was holding it any longer.

Win: Team...Team, put the gun down.

Team: No! I can't take it anymore, Hia! You'll be so much more happier if I'm dead so why do you care?!


Win: Team, what are you talking about...?

Team: I know that you're cheating on me! I spoke to her when you were drunk the other night!


Win: Team, baby you've misunderstood...

Team: Misunderstood what, Hia?!


Team: All I ever do is annoy you so just leave me alone!

Win: Team, just give me the gun and then we can talk, okay...?

Team: No, Hia just go away!-

Win then tried to snatch the gun away from Team which resulted in the younger panicking and tightening his grip on the weapon.

He desperately tried to pull it towards him when they both were interrupted by a loud bang.

Team slowly looked down at Wins chest which now had a bullet through it.

Team: H-Hia...?

Win put his hand over the wound and looked at Team.

Team: H-Hia...oh my god...I'm so sorry...

He frantically looked around the room for his phone, however he then remembered he'd left it on charge downstairs.

Win gently cupped Teams face with his other hand.

Win: Team...I'm so sorry...I cheated on you...and I caused this...this is all my fault...

Team: Hia, no- I-

Win: Shh...Team I don't deserve you...you've stayed with me through everything even though I treated you like shit...I'm sorry...I don't know why I cheated on you...you're the most amazing person I've ever met and I took you for granted...I'm sorry...

Win was also crying at this point and looked like he was starting to get dizzy.

Win: Team...I promise that...in our next lives...I'll love you no matter what happens...I'll always be there for you...I'll love you more than anyone...

That was when Win started to loose consciousness and Team went into a deeper state of panic.

Team: Hia! Hia no...stay awake, Hia don't fall asleep please...I-I need to call an ambulance I-

Win: Team, shh...it's okay...I love you...

Team sobbed into his shoulder.

Team: I love you too...

Win: Hia is sorry na...

Team: I know...

It was at that moment that the room went silent, followed by Teams cries of despair and guilt.

A few minutes went by.

Then more silence echoed through the room, followed by another loud bang.

𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒊 𝑩𝑳 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔<3Where stories live. Discover now