𝑮𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔 // 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝑼𝒆𝒂

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Italics = Speaking

📞 & Italics = Calling



Uea smiled to himself as he placed the two plates onto the table.

📞 Uea: Are you almost here?

📞 King: I am. I'm on *** Road so I'll be about five more minutes.

Uea could hear the smile in his husbands voice. (This is after they got married😘🤭)

King had offered to help with some new interns at work so Uea had made dinner for the both of them so it was ready for when King got back.

📞 Uea: Okay. I just finished cooking so the food is still hot.

He put his phone on speaker and placed it on the counter, then grabbed two glasses from the cupboard.

He filled one of them with water and put it next to the sink and filled up the second one, but when he went to grab the glass next to the sink, he wasn't fully paying attention as King was saying something to him and he dropped the glass when he moved his hand.

He froze.

📞 King: What was that?

Oh shit.

📞 Uea: Uhm...nothing, it was just...the sound from the TV. I'm watching TV and it's kinda loud, sorry.

📞 King: Oh, okay. I'm gonna go now, I'll be there in a minute.

📞 Uea: Yeah, okay. Bye.

King put the phone down and continued to drive but something was confusing him.

Firstly, the TV must have been loud for him to have heard it all the way in the kitchen, and Uea usually hated it being too loud.

And secondly, he couldn't figure out why Uea sounded so panicked when he hung up the phone.

He shook his head and sighed.

He pulled up outside of their shared apartment and parked the car, grabbed his stuff and went inside.

As he was in the elevator he had a feeling that something had happened but he couldn't exactly think what.

He got out of the elevator and went to their apartment and opened the door.

The apartment was completely silent despite Uea saying that the TV was on, which he found strange.

King: Uea?

He took his shoes off and went into the kitchen to find Uea desperately washing his hands in the sink.

When he heard Kings voice he immediately turned his head and went into a deeper state of panic.

His eyes were red and teary and his hands were bloody.

𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒊 𝑩𝑳 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔<3Where stories live. Discover now