𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂 𝑷𝑻2 // 𝑲𝒉𝒂𝒊𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒅 18+

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𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 2 𝒐𝒇 '𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂 // 𝑲𝒉𝒂𝒊𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒅'


Just to clarify this is no longer in the perspective of texting lol

Italics = Speaking

Third: Khai...Khai please...

Thirds voice was shaky and his face was bright red.

Khai: I told you, don't stop. And if you cum now you'll be punished more in the morning.

Third whined but he didn't dare stop thrusting his fingers into his tight little hole.

He was so close.

His knees trembled underneath him and his voice was breathy.

Third: Khai...Khai please, I need it...

Khai: Feel good, baby?

Third: R-Really good...I wish it was you though...

Khai: No one can make you feel as good as I can, hm?

Third nodded whilst trying to catch his breath.

It was the truth.

Khai knew Thirds body too well for his own good.

No one knew how to make Third feel as good as Khai did. Not even Third himself.

Third: Please...I'm close Khai...

His voice was high pitched and whiney.

Third: Let me cum...please...

Khai: I told you, no. And no touching that dick of yours either.

Third screwed his eyes shut and nodded, knowing if he even so much as brushed against his aching cock he'd probably release within seconds.

Third: Khai, let me see you...

Khai chuckled and moved his camera downwards so that Third could see his own cock which was practically standing straight up.

Third let out a small gasp realising how much this had affected Khai.

Third: K-Khai...

Third stopped.

Khai: Did I tell you I could stop?

Third: N-No.

Khai: Well then?

Third started moving his fingers again, moaning and cursing under his breath at the self pleasure.

Third: Please...please Khai...

Khai: What do you want, princess?

Third: Want to...need to...cum...please...

Khai chuckled.

Khai: You've been such a good boy haven't you? Listening to everything I say.

Khai: Go on then. Cum for me. Cum for me baby.

Third came all over his bed sheets with a high pitched whine.

The sight and sound made Khai even harder, if it was actually possible.

Third: I love you Khai...like so much...I love you so much...

His voice was raspy and he tried to catch his breath.

Khai chuckled.

Khai: I love you too, baby.

Third smiled.

Khai: Clean yourself up and go to sleep, okay?

Third: What? But you didn't get to cum.

Third pouted and Khai chuckled at him.

Khai: That's okay. I'm perfectly fine with just watching you.

Third turned red and moved his hand to end the call.

Third: S-See you tomorrow.

Khai: Byee~

Words: 477 <3


Question: What was your first BL?

Mine was kinda Kinnporsche but I stopped watching it and then watched Theory of Love so uhm yeah either one of those🤗

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