- Disclaimer & Authors Notes -

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Author's Notes

Hi! I'm Lyss
Lovely to meet you all!

A little bit about me

- I'm from England. So a lot of this story will be based off of real life events from my life and the lives of other people around me. (Write what you know I guess the saying is.)

- I am actually a bartender in real life so there will be long rants between chapters of actual arguments I have had with customers.

- During this year, I turned twenty years old (Honestly the fact I've turned twenty has been a culture shock) and I wanted to challenge myself into writing a book to see if I've lost any brains cells since I was thirteen when I used to write fanfictions like this.

- if there's any feedback/questions you guys have throughout the story. Please leave a comment and I will get back to you.

You can follow me here and message me if you have any questions. My dms are always open.

I recently read a fanfiction from trulvr and the work that she published was amazing and it inspired me to write my own fanfiction.
If you haven't seen Heart Shaped I completely recommend it. It is such an amazing book and the way it is written. (chef's kiss)

Nonetheless, I give you Polar Opposite.


All rights are reserved towards me, owning the plot and the characters of Alexandra Williams & Natasha Smith.

The characters other than that are loosely based off of real people. If in any case any person who is mentioned in this story would like me to take it down, I will. If this fanfiction is used for any video purposes please contact me first before posting.

This is only for fun and should not be used in any court of law. This is a strictly fictional story for entertainment.

Pls don't sue x

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