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lex.williams: normalise having mental breakdowns

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Lex come on.

It's been five months and
you still think
I'm cheating on you with

I don't anymore. I promise.

Okay good.

So you're still coming skiing?

Yes Harry.
I'm still coming skiing.
I'll see you in the morning.

I'm sorry.

You're forgiven.
For the eighteenth time.

Did you forget
about last month?

Harry shut up!

Sorry. Love you.

Love you too.


George Clarke

You know Arthur's
going on that ski trip?

Yes I'm VERY much aware
Thanks for stating
the absolute obvious

Harry's gonna be watching you like a hawk.

Again VERY much aware.
It's so toxic.

Does Harry know
about that night?

What night?

The night you and Arthur
shared a bed.

That would just confirm his suspicion.
He thinks
I fuck him whenever he comes over.
Why the fuck would I tell him that?
Plus it happened
BEFORE I knew Harry.

I'm just saying Alex.
If he finds out.
I think Arthur's gonna get smacked.

It's not even Arthur's fault.
We're just friends for fuck sake.

Yeah I know.
Im just patiently
waiting for you to break up with Harry.

If he brings up the fact that
he thinks I'm cheating again.
I think it's time.
It's been five months.
It's so weird.
He was perfect when I met him.
But as soon as he realised
my friendship with you,
television and Arthur.
It's like a switch went off in his brain
and he just assumed the worse in me.

The katie effect I suppose.

Well I'm not fucking Katie
and I'm sick of hearing
her fucking name.

I never knew her.
Just heard bits and pieces
from Chris.

I'm going to sleep.
Night Clarkey

Night Alex


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