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Arthur Fredrick looked at Alexandra Williams like he had never seen another girl like her. She was in her own world as she shopped for clothes, wondering around the centre looking for different things. He caught himself smiling a few times, he put it down to the fact of how she was gliding around the places like there was a Black Friday sale on. Not for any other reason. An hour later of Lex trying things on, taking them off, finding things and repeating the same motion.

Arthur had asked her, "Did you get everything you need?"

"Pretty much yeah. Sorry this must be boring for you." She apologised.

"Actually it's been pretty entertaining. You searching around like you're on a mission." He chuckled to himself. "I've never seen someone get so rabid for clothes."

"Fuck off." Lex laughed at his joke, "I've never been shopping in London before. This is like my teenage girl dream."

"Well now you've fulfilled teenage you. We gotta get the tube." Arthur smiled to which Lex nodded.


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Arthur and Lex came back to George's holding all of bags that they had bought. Both of them regretting how much they spent, throwing their bags down as soon as they reached the apartment doors. George heard the noise and came to greet his friends, not with noticing the insane amount of bags that were scattered on his floor.

"Why the fuck have you bought so much?" He asked Lex.

"Free money innit." Lex shrugged her shoulders grinning.

"Look at this shit." George said pointing to the bags. "Fucking Ralph Lauren. I don't even own anything from Ralph Lauren."

"That's cause you don't have style like me." Lex smirked. "But actually this is for you." She said as she handed him the bag. "It's a thank you for letting me stay here."

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