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Vol. 2



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Alexandra Williams had been staying at George and Arthur's for a month. Whilst the boys were away filming in Sri Lanka for the last two weeks. Lex utilised the quiet solitude and dedicated herself to expanding her online presence, which resulted in a surge of popularity across social media platforms. Even more so than before. Lex's inbox was filled with collaboration requests from fellow creators and podcast invitations. Rather ironically her recent eviction had gave the blossoming of her career. Lex thought that her content was never really special; she would talk about recent events or things that have happened to her whilst making cocktails and using comedy to keep people entertained. But people seemed to love Lex's videos and that's where her fame began to sky rocket.

"So thanks for watching; make sure you subscribe if you want to see more of me and I'll see you next time on 'CockTales.' Bye guys!" Lex smiled, as she turned off the camera.

Lex heard the door open, hearing voices talking and suitcases bustling through. She immediately ran to the door; knowing that her two friends are finally home. She dashed towards them with a smile. George and Arthur Hill, tired yet thrilled to be back, embraced her warmly.

"Hi!" Lex smiled as she hugged them both. "How was Sri Lanka?"

"I never want to fucking look at another Tuk Tuk in my life." Arthur shook his head. "But it was okay."

"Arthur had to go to hospital because he got bitten by a dog. And thought he had rabies." George laughed.

"Wait- what?" Lex raised her eyebrow at Arthur who was standing in front of her.

"No not me. Television." Arthur explained the girl.

"Why the fuck did he pet a rabid dog?" Lex asked.

"It's a long story." George shook his head. "Did you clean?" He asked as he looked around the house in shock.

"Of course." Lex grinned.

"You missed a spot." George joked as he pointed to a tiny speck of dust.

"Fuck off." Lex rolled her eyes.

"Well you two have fun. I need some sleep." Arthur smiled weakly as he walked to go to his room.

"Sweet dreams." Lex smiled, looking at Arthur. She reverted back to George. "So tell me all about Sri Lanka. You're really tanned."

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