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Alexandra Williams was watching through the vast sea of people as Arthur left. She tried to not pay attention to Harry and his conversation, but she couldn't help herself. She wondered what was said to make him leave so quickly; she wondered if she was maybe the reason.

She blinked away her feelings of guilt as she saw Harry come near her.

"Hi," she smiled politely. "What can I get you?"

"You know you don't have to be professional with me, Lex." Harry grinned.

"Well I do since right now, you're my boss." Lex winked. "So what can I get you?"

"Vodka and lemonade, please." Harry asked politely.

"Sure coming-" Before Lex could finish her sentence. A voice cut her off.

"And a Vodka diet coke." A red-haired girl in a black silk dress came up to the bar. Lex looked dumbfounded at how quick the woman cut her off and added something extra on to his order. The red-head rolled her eyes and looked at Harry with a bright smile. "Hi Harry."

"Hi Annalise..." Harry looked at her, confused.

Annalise looked back at Lex and raised her eyebrow. "Sorry did you not understand our order? Vodka Lemonade and a Vodka diet coke."

Lex gritted her teeth. She didn't want to embarrass Harry or herself.
"No worries. Is that a double or single?" She faked a smile.

"Double. Obviously." Annalise replied.

"Coming up." Lex said as she walked away to get the drinks made. Not before hearing Annalise say,

"Fuck sake Harry, where do you find these people? And what the fuck is her makeup. She looks like she wants everyone to notice her. She's just a worker..." Lex tried to drown out her voice but couldn't.

Lex poured Harry his double vodka lemonade and then looked at the next drink. She contemplated adding something different to the original order or taking away the vodka. But instead, she shook it off and poured the vodka and diet coke. She handed the glasses to the two and smiled.

"Here you go. Do you-" Lex was cut off again.

"Straw." Annalise rolled her eyes before Lex could even finish her sentence.

"Okay." Lex had enough of her disrespect. "But I hope you now know that this is your last drink. I'm cutting you off and anyone else who buys for you will be cut off to." Lex looked at Harry for his response. Instead he smirked and nodded slightly.

"What that's such bullshit. You're a shit bartender. It's not my fault that you can't do things correctly." Annalise replied. "Where's your manager?"

"You're standing next to him." Lex told her sarcastically.

"Harry." Annalise turned to Harry waiting for him to back her up.

"Nope." Harry said and he took a swig of his drink.

"Well now Annalise fun fact because he's intoxicated. He actually can't reprimand me." Lex smiled."Also, I added full fat coke. Now please move away from the bar before I have security escort you out."

Annalise looked at Harry one last time before she realised that she wasn't going to get her own way. She stomped off with her drink.

Lex looked at Harry apologetically. "I'm sorry. I know this is your party but I just got so irritated. I understand if you want me to leave."

"Leave? I want you to be my girlfriend after that." Harry blurted out. Lex's eyes widened when she heard his confession.

"What?" She said.

"Nothing. Nothing. Forget I said that." Harry scratched the back his neck in embarrassment.

"Actually I don't want to." Lex smiled.

She saw Harry as attractive and sweet. She liked how he made her feel.

"I'm sorry for not defending you, but you seemed like you needed to be the one to say something." Harry apologised.

"I don't actually care about that." Lex nodded.

"So..." Harry said.

"Ask me when I'm not working for you. Don't want it to be a sexual harassment case." Lex joked. "But when you do. It'll be a yes."

Harry's eyes lit up. "Deal."


Another few hours went by, Lex carried on working whilst Harry stayed by the bar. He just wanted to spend time with her, usually at these parties - he would have left three hours ago. The party had already finished, but Lex was helping cleaning down the bar.

"Lexie." A voice called her. She looked up to see a smiling Tobi.

"Hi." She grinned.

"Thank you for helping. You did an amazing job." Tobi smiled.

"No worries, I'm just happy to help." She nodded. As she was about to carry on cleaning, Tobi handed her an envelope with something in it. Lex raised her eyebrow confused and opened it.

It had money in it.

A lot of money.

Lex shook her head and tried to hand it back to Tobi. "No." She shook her head.

"Don't be silly." Tobi smiled. "You're not gonna work at an event that you were suppose to be a guest at and not get paid."

"I'm helping out friends. Friends don't give friends money."

"Well I guess I owe JJ his money back." Harry snorted. Lex rolled her eyes at his joke.

"I'm being serious Tobi. I don't want or need the money."

It was a lie - she did need the money but it would have been too embarrassing to admit that truth. She needed that money to move out.

Tobi left the envelope on the bar. "Take it, leave it here. Do what you have to."

Lex looked down at the envelope and sighed - she felt that she insulted him.

"I'm sorry." Lex apologised.

"Never be sorry. This is how we show our appreciation for you." Tobi smiled.

She nodded and took the money. "Thank you. Seriously, thank you."

"Right let's get you home." Harry grinned. He looked drunk.

"More like, get you home. I should have cut you off an hour ago." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. Maybe." Harry smiled. "But how can you say no to your boyfriend."

"Come on." Lex shook her head. "You're still my boss currently. So you're not my boyfriend. Yet."

"Yet?" He questioned

"Yet." She replied.


Author's Notes
Hi, I'm alive.
Sorry about the updates taking so long. I've been in a weird place.

So let's talk about the stuff I've missed - how are you guys?

Did you guys see the new Bach and Arthur podcast?

- Lyss

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