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Alexandra Williams was rushing around trying to find cranberry juice for a customer, she hated nights like these. She wasn't a stranger to a busy bar but the sea of drunk people practically waving their money about demanding their drinks within a mere second as if she possessed a magic wand to conjure up their orders. Lex just wanted to spray soda at them all. It's wasn't that she didn't enjoy her job – she thrived on the energy and the social interactions – but the pressure of the people would weigh on her constantly.

"Can I have a double vodka coke?" One asked.
"Oi mate I was here first!" Another one shouted out.

Lex just sighed and whistled for another bartender to take people's orders whilst she got her section cleared. Around twenty minutes later of serving drink orders and brushing off any unwanted flirtatious comments made towards her - she had a free moment.  Lex looked over at the other bartender who had managed to clear up his section as well, they both looked at each other in a 'what the fuck' gaze - praying that a rush like that didn't happen again tonight.

"I'm going on a break." Lex shouted to the other bartender to which he nodded as she walked outside.

The outside world felt peaceful to Lex. The glow of neon signs casted a soft, ambient light on Lex as she leaned against the building, as she took in the quiet. Lex inhaled deeply, savoring the tranquility that enveloped her. As Lex began to unwind, Lex felt a presence behind her. She turned around to be greeted by Tasha, her friend. 

"Hey, Lex," Tasha said, her voice carrying a soothing tone. "You okay?"

Lex smiled appreciating Tasha's concern. "Yeah, just one of those nights, you know?" She runs a hand through her blonde locks, attempting to tame the unruly strands. "People are just cunts."

"True. Had some guy say he would buy a bottle if I gave him my number." Tasha shook her head.

"I just want to stop serving." Lex sighed as she rummaged through her pockets to get her vape out, she didn't like smoking that much but she felt the release from the nicotine especially after feeling that level of stress.

"Want an early finish?" Tasha asked her making sure if it's want she wanted.
"If you love me, you'll finish early with me." Lex looked up begging. "It's dying down now."

"Hmm.." Tasha contemplated but her answer was always going to be "Fine."

"This is why you're the best assistant manager ever," Lex grinned.

"Want to go drink?" Tasha asked her to which Lex just nodded vigorously.

The two girls retreated at the bar waiting to be served. Regular customers would buy them drinks usually when they had finished. Some sent over shots, others sent drinks and once someone bought them a full bottle of vodka. This night was no different, customers flocked towards them offering to buy them whatever they wanted. 'Tasha's got this amazing knack for making everyone feel seen and heard,' Lex thought to herself, her gaze following Tasha as she moved through the room. 'It's like she speaks a language that instantly resonates with people. Wish I had that charm.'

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