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Alexandra Williams woken up in bed with a raging headache and an arm wrapped around her waist. She turned to the side and saw Arthur asleep next to her, with a rush of adrenaline she quickly moved out of the bed and looked down to see if she was still fully dressed.

She was.

She tried collecting her thoughts, trying to gain any sort of memories from the night prior. She moved towards the door, trying not to wake Arthur up or have any awkward conversation that would potentially be brought up. She walked through and saw Arthur Hill walking out of his own room. Lex put her finger to her mouth, shushing him making sure he wasn't loud. She opened the door more to reveal the Arthur that was sleeping in her bed. Arthur Hill'a eyes widened, his hand hitting his mouth. Lex immediately closed the door, quietly and looked back at Arthur.

"You want to explain?" Arthur asked her.

"I honestly don't know if I can." Lex admitted. "I don't remember anything from last night."

"Do you think something happened?" Arthur asked her.

"No no." Lex shook her head. "At least I don't think anything did." She sighed putting her hand on her hand. "Arthur what the fuck am I gonna do?"

"Just talk to him." Arthur said bluntly. "What else can you do?"

"Leave..." Lex trailed off. "I'll see George in another seven years. It's fine."

"Lex." Arthur rolled his eyes, "Talk to him."

"I can't. I just need to get out of here." Lex sighed.

"Fine. Give me ten minutes and get dressed." Arthur nodded.


"Well you're five minutes away from having a mental breakdown and I need to rehearse with my guitarist. So I'm taking you with me."

"You're in a band?" Lex raised her eyebrow.

"How did you not know this?" Arthur shook his head. "Well technically - You know what never mind. Get dressed."

Lex nodded and returned back to the room where the other Arthur was still fast asleep. Lex quickly gathered her clothes and went into the bathroom to change. Her heart was racing, trying not to wake up the man sleeping in the bed and to avoid any awkward conversations between them both. As soon as she changed clothes, she proceeded to dart out of the bedroom and the bedroom all together.

"Ready?" Arthur asked her as he walked out of his room, to which Lex nodded in response as they made their way out.

As Arthur and Lex drove to his band rehearsal, a subtle silence settled between them. Arthur, glancing at Lex from time to time making sure she was okay. Lex just stared out of the window from the car, trying to think of what actually happened that night.

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