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Alexandra Williams had started to feel the rain trickling down on her face. Locking eyes with Arthur, they both shared a unanimous discussion in running to a coffee shop for shelter. Opening the door into a warm embrace and the aromatic smells of coffee, Lex tried to comb the water from out of her hair whilst Arthur shook his.

"You look like a Labrador doing that." She laughed looking at her friend.

"Thanks?" Arthur said confused.

She looked up at the menu from above the counter of the coffee shop. "Coffee?" She asked him.

"I don't actually like it." Arthur told her.

"Tea?" She asked, turning her head towards him in which he nodded. Lex approached the counter with a smile towards the barista. The rich aroma of freshly ground coffee hit her as she ordered herself a vanilla latte. Turning to Arthur for him ordered his tea.

After that, they spent two seconds looking awkwardly at each other wondering who was paying until Lex threw down her card on the reader. Arthur looked at her confused on why she would pay, knowing they could have paid separately.

"You paid for my drink last time." She smiled at him.

"You didn't have to do that." He protested to which she shrugged him off, thinking that it was only a drink, he did more for her than he actually realised. They gathered their hot drinks and sat down facing each other.

"So how are you feeling?" Arthur asked her. Lex didn't know how to respond. She didn't know what she was feeling, the sudden rise in followers, the brand deals and seeing her childhood friend after seven years. It was all a bit too much for her.

"I don't know. Too much keeps happening." She said as she sipped her latte.

"It is a lot to take in at first."

"It's not like I asked for this though. I didn't want this. I'm just happy being a bartender." Lex shook her head. "This is your guys job. It's not mine."

Arthur sighed, knowing that she was right. "You can always delete the accounts. You don't have to go through with any brand deals that you don't want to."

"It's just weird. This whole fucking thing is weird." She sighed. "It's like I didn't make my own decision. It was forced upon me by everyone else. Which sounds really first world." She shook her head in embarrassment but continued. "But two weeks ago, I was struggling for rent, working five nights a week at the club to now not have to worry about my rent all because I'm trending. That's fucking weird right?" Lex questioned.

"It's how social media works. I was going to be lawyer, but after 'one hundred k' I realised that this gave me more freedom to whatever I wanted. I've been to amazing places just because I post videos online. I never would have travelled as much, if I was a lawyer." Arthur told her.

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