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Alexandra Williams stared at the eviction notice with bold eyes. She had just arrived home after George dropped her off to go to a meeting in Birmingham. Lex's fingers traces the paper; she was shaking. Her little studio flat was now deemed to be not hers anymore. The letter had came on the Saturday saying she had five days to leave the property. It was now Wednesday, meaning that she had less than twenty-four hours to pack her things up and leave the flat.

She put her hand over her mouth, trying to stifle the cries which came from the burning sensation of panic that overwhelmed her. She didn't know what to do. Who to call. Lex took some deep breaths and rang the person who she knew who was that safe haven.


Lex put the phone to hear ear and listened to the rings. Waiting for an answer. Some sort of hope. She could feel herself getting more and more anxious.

"Hello?" George picked up and answered.

"I-I" Lex began to sob. When she heard George's voice, she couldn't control her emotions anymore.

"Alex? What's wrong." George asked her.

"I got evicted." She cried louder. "I don't understand. I pay my rent on time. I do everything. I pass all the inspections. Why the fuck did they evict me?"

"Okay okay. I'll turn around, just give me ten minutes." George said.

"No, you have a meeting." Lex said.

"Shit." George responded. "Okay. I'm gonna go into the meeting. I'll finish up quick then I'll make my way to yours. Pack everything you need and we will try and fit it in the car."

"Okay." Lex nodded. "I don't know what I'm gonna do."

"We will figure it out." George sighed, "I'll message you in a bit when the meetings finished."

"Okay. Thank you George. Love you."

"Love you too. See you in a bit." He said as the call ended.

Lex meticulously folded her favorite books, carefully arranging them alongside neatly folded clothes and bedding sheets within the confines of her suitcase. The rhythmic zipping of the suitcase echoed through the room as she efficiently packed away essential appliances, each item finding its designated place. She had a few other belongings and put them into boxes; like her collection of shoes. She tried to not take as much; things that could be replaced by going to the shop - she just put in a bin bag. She put a lot of items in a bin bag. She didn't want to take up the whole space of the car.

After packing, Lex surveyed her now almost-empty apartment. She ruthlessly discarded the remaining belongings, tossing non-essentials into a bin. Old mementos and unused items met their fate. The sound of items hitting the bin echoed throughout the place. She felt tears come down her cheek, and quickly wiped them away. She had to get this done, so there couldn't be any crying.

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