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Casetify would like to send you a message.



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Alexandra Williams looked up at the Arthur and George. They were still in the kitchen finishing their toast and hot drinks. Her visibly confused expression reflected onto the boys. She was unsure of what a brand for phone cases would want with her.

"I just got a message from a phone brand which is weird." She laughed to them. "I've actually bought from them before."

They looked at her without hesitation and simultaneously asked. "Which one?"

"Casetify." She said reading the name off the screen. They both looked at each other and then turned to her sitting down, looking serious. Lex was taken aback by their weird expressions over a phone case brand.

"Negotiate what they're willing to pay. You'll have to do a story and a full instagram post." Arthur said.

"Don't take anything less than four grand." George said.

"Four fucking grand?" Lex looked wide eyed. "What the fuck is this?"

"They're going to ask to sponsor you which means you post their cases and they will in return give you set amount of money."

"Why the fuck would they do that?" Lex raised an eyebrow.

"Because you're trending. People are following you and keeping up with your posts." Arthur told her.

"I don't do anything?" She stated.

"You've gone from having a hundred followers to ten thousand within the space of two weeks. You're going to get a lot more sponsorship messages. You need to have an email so they can directly message you there." Arthur told her.

Lex couldn't believe what they were telling her. She never even seen three grand before never mind four grand. She wasn't use to this and it did make her feel extremely uncomfortable.

She passed her phone to George and let him deal with it. "I'm not used this. I don't even know where to begin."

George nodded and looked at what Casetify had messaged Lex and began typing back to come to a deal whilst Arthur and Lex just looked at each other.

"Are you okay?" Arthur asked her, he could tell this whole thing had put her off balance.

"I just feel weird. I'm not used to this. I regret putting my instagram on public. I don't like how everyone can see everything. When I posted that story of you last night, everyone was in my dms asking ridiculous questions. And there was so much hateful messages." She sighed. "It's too late now I suppose."

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