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Arthur Fredrick watched as he saw Alexandra gliding through serving customers; he stood at the bar watching her mesmerised by her flawless performance. He never thought he would see such a sight of pure perfection. Her smile to a customer, her warm eyes as she handed them their drink.

"You good?" A voice distracted Arthur from his gaze. He looked next to him and saw Harry standing there, concerned.

Arthur cleared his throat, "Yeah I'm good." He nodded. "Are you?" He retorted the question back.

"I'm great. Lex doing this favour for us. She practically saved us. The lads were right, she's one of a kind." Harry coughed. "Don't tell her I said that."

Arthur shook his head and faked a smile. "Don't worry. I won't."

"Cheers mate." Harry grinned. "But anyway, you know Lex pretty well right?"

"I mean I guess?" Arthur shrugged.

"Has she ever said anything about me?" Harry asked.

Arthur didn't know what to answer, the thoughts raced in his mind on whether to lie or tell the truth. Arthur had always been an honest person but for some reason when it came to Lex - he just wanted her for himself.

He made the decision in his mind.

"She didn't say much, but she seems pretty into you."

He told the truth.

Arthur knew that if him and Lex were meant to start something; it would have happened by now. He knew he had deep feelings for her, but he couldn't let his feelings deter her own happiness. If he truly liked her - he would want her to be happy.

"Thanks mate." Harry said.

"No worries. Listen I best be going, I've got some videos that I need to upload tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your evening." Arthur nodded as he reached his hand out into a fist for Harry to bump.

"Yeah no worries, you too." Harry bump his hand. "Also let me know about the ski trip in January."

"Yeah I'll message you about it tomorrow." Arthur nodded as he began to walk out. As he made his way through the people; he felt uneasy. He felt like he had no control in any situation. All Arthur could do was leave and go home.


As he got into the taxi, Arthur only think of one thing. Well to be more precise, one person.

He thought about all of the times that they had spent together; the way she made him feel. What he hoped she could have felt with him.

As he got out of the car, he saw something he never expected.


Lex standing there, waiting for him. Her golden hair flowing from the wind, what felt like a glow. She looked more beautiful than ever. It was like she wasn't real.

"Arthur!" Lex smiled brightly at him. "Show me your humble abode!"

The image of her faded away. Another feeling of sadness passed over him and walked passed where he thought she was standing.

She wasn't real.

Another image appeared of her. The same stance and the same iridescent glow.

"Do you want us to be together?" She said, pouting.

Arthur shook his head, trying to stop his inner most sensitive thoughts form in front of his very eyes. Trying to make his way up the stairs, ignoring what was clearly an acid trip.

or he was having a breakdown?

He opened the door to his apartment, hoping that would be his safe haven. He sighed as he turned on the light, only to be startled by the same girl sat on his sofa.

"Why are you ignoring me?" She asked.

"Because you're not real." Arthur shook his head.

"But you want me to be. So you can relieve yourself of this burden." She smiled weakly. That same smile that made Arthur melt when he first saw her. "So Arthur tell me the truth."

"Am I actually going crazy?" Arthur paced around the room. In fear of what was being transpired right before his very eyes. He just stared at her, hoping she would leave him alone.

"No." Lex smiled. "You're not."

"Why the fuck are you here, Lex?" Arthur asked, terrified.

"Because you're too much of a pussy to tell me how you feel." She responded. "So your mind has created this way."

"I don't feel anything for you." He lied.

"Arthur you're a really intelligent person, you realise I'm in what's in your head. Stop lying and say it." Lex rubbed her temples in frustration.


"Why? Because then it'll be true? Arthur it's been true for so long. Just admit it." Lex sighed, hopelessly. She got up from her seat and walked towards him. Arthur cowered in fear from her walking towards him.

"Tell the truth. Mr I'm so honest." Lex rolled her eyes.

"Fine." He said as he shut his eyes tightly. In fear of what her reaction would be. She terrified him. Even though she was a normal girl - the feeling of rejection played with his insecurity.

If the one person who he could truly be himself with rejected him, he wouldn't know how to cope.

"Alexandra you win." He sighed in defeat. "I have extremely strong feelings for you." As he opened his eyes, the apparition of her was gone.

All that was left was Arthur. Still in the taxi he was before.

He thanked whatever god was out there that he hadn't suffered a breakdown and it was just a vivid dream. He knew he needed to tell her, to get away from all the guilt he had been feeling. The guilt that had been eating away into his dreams.

He looked down at his phone to see a text from Harry. Arthur sighed and opened it up; not knowing what to expect.


Harold Lewis

You were right mate!
She does like me.
We're gonna see how it goes tho
But I've invited her to the boys ski trip

That's great.
Happy for you.


The feeling that what could or should have been. If only he could tell her how he felt, not in some wild imaginative dream. The real her. But what Chris said was right; he should have told her when he had the chance and now he never will.

Lex was Harry's. Not his.


Author's Notes.
What do we think guys?

I'd like some feedback on this chapter :)

Anyway how is everyone? I'm currently on holiday in Jamaica!

- Lyss

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