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Alexandra Williams was getting ready to leave for what she hoped would be a memorable night. She methodically packed a small bag, ensuring she had enough clothes and essentials to stay over because getting back home wasn't an option since it would be too late for her to catch a train. She lingered over choices of what to wear, taking off an item of clothing to be replaced with another. She didn't know what to expect or who to impress - Lex just knew that she wanted to look good.

As Lex applied the finishing touches, the mirror reflected her expression which was laced with vulnerability and confusion. It wasn't just about the party; it was about the chance to reconnect with George, to see if the spark that lingered in their childhood interactions would be reunited. She missed her best friend. She thought back to the time when she told him she was moving away.


The bustling corridors of their secondary school echoed with the hurried footsteps of students rushing to their next class. Sixteen year old George, with his disheveled brown hair and a backpack slung over one shoulder with his group of friends talking about exams finally finishing. A younger Lex, her blonde hair dancing with each step, caught up with him, a sense of urgency in her stride trying to get her friend to the next lesson.

"George. Come on. We're gonna be fucking late." She spoke as she grabbed his bag and pulled him away from the group.

"Alright, calm down Alex. It's only Maths. I sleep through it anyway."  He shook his head letting his guide the way.

She stopped in a quieter section just before they reached the classroom and turned to face George. The playful expression from George's face faded, replaced by a more solemn expression as he saw the look on hers. "George, there's something I need to tell you," she began, her voice carrying a weight that caught him off guard.

"What?" He asked her waiting for a response. He had a million other things that she thought she was going to say. Did she fancy him? Did she fancy someone else? Did she start a fight?

"I'm moving to Coventry."

And that wasn't one of them.

"You fucking what?" George just blurted out.

"My mum got a new job at the hospital there and after our GCSE's are over. I'm leaving."

"What about college?" He asked her, trying to make sense of the sudden change.

"I guess I'm going to have to find somewhere in Coventry." She shrugged her shoulders.

The weight of Lex's revelation hung in the air as George processed the impending change. The realisation that the easy rhythm of their lives was about to be disrupted left him gutted. Lex watched the emotions play across his face, regret and sadness mingling.

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