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Alexandra Williams didn't know what to expect, the entire party was at a house that belonged to someone she didn't know. George and the other two friends had went off to greet their friends leaving Lex to toy with the edge of her drink and feel the discomfort almost suffocate her. She scanned the room watching as the sea of people drink and talk amongst themselves. Lex didn't know if she had the desire to blend in or approach someone.

"You alright?" He asked her to which she looked up from her drink.  A man with dirty blonde hair with deep blue eyes had approached her. He seemed concerned at the girl from her visibly expressed discomfort.

"Is it that obvious?" She laughed embarrassed.

"You look like you wanna leg it out of here to be honest." He said.

"Just a bit weird isn't it? Being around people you don't know." She said.

"I'm kinda used to it. I hate it, but I'm used to it." He admitted.

"I'm Lex." She smiled.

"Harry." He responded back, smiling to her as well. "You're George's friend aren't you." He asked her.

"Yeah I am." She smiled. "So who's house is this?" She asked and immediately cut in "God that feels awful to say. It looks like I've just rocked up at a party."

"It's Chris' house." Harry smiled. "He just moved into this place because he broke up with his girlfriend."

"Oh fuck. Is he alright?" She asked.

"I think he's more heartbroken over her getting custody of the cat to be fair to you."

"Sorry what?" Lex said confused.

"It's a long story." Harry laughed. "I've got to go anyway but it was nice meeting you."

"You too Harry." Lex smiled as she waved goodbye to him.

Lex looked around trying to find her friend, she noticed the garden outside of the house. She preferred the outside than staying in that packed house so she moved towards it. Lex stepped into the garden, the cool night air provided her the peace that she wanted and welcomed rather than the stuffy warm air from the house. As she strolled through the dimly lit space, Lex's eyes caught a familiar figure. Arthur sat on a chair, bathed in the gentle illumination, engrossed in his phone. She didn't understand why he was out here alone when he had his friends in there. As Lex drew near, Arthur looked up, his dark eyes meeting hers which took her by surprise.

"Hi?" Lex said questioning to herself whether or not he wanted to talk to her given the way he was alone.

"Hey. You alright?" He asked her.

"Yeah I'm good. Just weirded out by the fact I know no one here aside from you, Arthur and George." She admitted. "Why are you out here alone?"

"I don't feel so well in social situations. It makes me feel awkward." He said honestly whilst peering down at his phone occasionally.

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