Chapter Six

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After the game, I didn't even shower, because I was so eager to see if Vic had stayed. When I was out on the field, I searched the tribunes and sure enough, there he was, looking at his phone again. I smiled to myself and casually walked up to him. "Hey", I said, letting myself fall into a seat right next to Vic.

"Hi", he answered shyly and put his phone away. "So... who were you here for?", I asked innocently. "Uh... a friend." I raised an eyebrow in amusement. It was kind of cute how he was struggling to conceal that he had been here to watch me.I had just assumed that. He better be here so he could watch me. "Really? Who?" He swallowed and said, confidently: "Preciado... he's on the other team." I couldn't help but cackle. I knew Jaime, we had gone to middle school together. Vic had probably just recalled a random name he had read on the tricots.

"What's his first name? The name seems familiar." He blushed and looked at his hands, now clearly uncomfortable, before he sighed. "Alright, you win. I was here to see you, happy?" I grinned in triumph. "Actually, yes", I said, "Might I ask why you suddenly changed your mind?

"I guess I've been acting kind of unfair and unreasonable towards you and I'm sorry." I smiled even more. Maybe we could at least be friends now. "It's alright", I said and stood up. I really wanted to spend more time with him, but for once I wanted someone else to make some effort to keep me around. I was always the one running after people's asses, and I was definitely done with that. So, instead of asking him to come with me and hang out or whatever, I walked off without another word. All of my teammates were gone by now, my parents were still on a business trip and I had neither a car nor a license, so I had to walk.

I didn't usually have a problem with walking but after a soccer game, I was always so physically drained, that walking was the last thing I really wanted to do. Just as I hoped, Vic followed after me, also without a word. After a few minutes he first spoke up: "Where are you going?" I turned around to look at him, but still kept walking. "Home", I answered simply. When we were at my front door, I decided I had to make a move, despite how much I didn't want to, or else he'd probably leave again and I wanted that even less.

"Do you like... wanna hang out or something?", I asked cautiously. he smiled and nodded, so I unlocked the door and we stepped inside."Mom, Dad I-", I stopped myself, when I remembered that they weren't even at home and sighed. Vic obviously decided to ignore that I was alone in this huge house, which I was silently thanking him for. After kicking our shoes off, we went the spiral staircase up, until we reached the third floor, where my room was. I led him down the hall, toward my room and when I flicked the light switch, he gasped.

I guess my room was pretty huge and the furniture cool and expensive (-looking), but I frowned at how messy it was. There were clothes randomly scattered over the floor, on my bed, my chair and even my desk. I awkwardly scratched my neck, as Vic looked around. "Dude, this is amazing", he exclaimed. I just shrugged and fell onto my bed with a sigh. My room didn't have to be messy, I mean, since my parents had always had cleaning people around the house, but they had stopped cleaning my room by the time I was twelve. I really didn't like when people, especially when I didn't know them, had access to my room when I wasn't there. It made me uncomfortable for some reason.

"Hey, is it fine if I take a shower real quick?", I asked after a couple of minutes, because I was still covered in now dried dirt and sweat. "Of course", Vic said, so I smiled, took a change of clothes and left for the bathroom. While showering, I thought about what was happening. My crush had come to my soccer game, to watch me. My crush was currently in my room. I was currently home alone with my crush. Of course, he didn't know he was my crush, but that didn't change anything. I sighed and hopped out of the shower, quickly drying myself off and putting on the fresh clothes, before heading back to my room, eager to spend some more time with Vic.

When I entered my room, I was slightly embarrassed, because I was now in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, but I didn't see a point in wearing anything else, since I was gonna go to bed soon anyway. I looked at Vic, who was kneeling on my bed,facing my poster wall, which I was extremely proud of, humming a familiar tune. It took me a few seconds, to realize, that it was "All The Small Things" by Blink-182. I smiled. I was starting to like this kid more and more, plus I was reminded of how I had started talking to "Jack". Speaking of him, I felt kind of guilty for not talking to him in almost 24 hours... That sounded weird. But we always talked almost all day, every day, it felt wrong to not be taking to him for once, like something's missing.

"Blink!", I said loudly and Vic's head snapped in my direction, he looked a little startled, but then he smiled. "You like Blink?", he asked, seeming genuinely surprised. "They are basically my life!", I said dramatically, making him laugh. His laugh sounded like I had heard it before, so familiar. It was probably the cutest thing ever. God damn him and his adorableness. I took out my phone in a swift movement, and wasn't surprised to see I had been spammed by "Jack" again. For once though, I decided I could reply later, I really wanted to spend time with Vic. So I went to my music app, and pressed "shuffle" on my Blink-182 playlists, plugging it into my speakers.

Immediately, a smile creeped onto Vic's face and we started singing along, not even trying to make it sound good, but neither of us really cared, because we were both having fun, I could tell, and thats all that mattered in that moment.


IMPORTANT I GUESS!1!11!1111??1

A/N; So I probably won't be able to update as frequently as I would usually do, because I'm grounded and my mom took away my iPod, so I always have to secretly use the computer .-.

Anyway, I decided to update at least a pretty short (1.1k words) and boring chapter, but at least its something right?

also I wanted to thank you people who continuously read this, because your votes and comments make me really happy, I never expected this to get as much as 50 views to be honest but yay c:

ANd (I'm so sorry for this i usually hate when people do that)

*shameless self-advertising*

MY PERRENTES IS PRETTY CLOSE TO 1K VIEWS AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY BC GETTING 1K VIEWS ON SOMETHING I WROTE LITERALLY IS ON MY BUCKET LIST (i wrote one a few weeks ago and I'm not even kidding) sooooo yeah I'd be really happy if you'd check that out <3

thanks and ily all so much

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