Chapter Twenty Six

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A/N; guys I'm leaving to the UK for vacation tomorrow morning and idk if I'll have wifi there
So if I don't update during that time (I'm staying for 3 weeks fml) I'm sorry and ill probably publish like 5 long-ass chapters when I get home bc I know I'll be writing no matter what. So yeah.


The next few days were a blur. I barely slept and just felt like shit overall. I knew it was ridiculous to be so sad over something like that, but I was and there was nothing I could possibly do against it. I didn't understand him. I didn't know what was going on with Vic, all of this seemed so... unlike him. I kept wondering what might have happened that could have made him act the way he did. I was also worried about what might have happened, because I was sure it had to be something serious. I knew that wondering and worrying were like the most pointless things ever. It changed absolutely nothing, so I tried to stop.

I didn't go to school but my parents didn't noticed and I knew that they would most likely not give a shit if they did either. Two days after the thing with Jenna, I was completely out of cigarettes, including the ones I had stolen from Ed. I felt kind of bad, but I knew he got a pretty decent pay, so he wouldn't have to worry about money, which made me feel slightly better.

With a sigh, I dialed Darryl's number - for various reasons. One, I really needed someone to talk to. Two, I needed cigarettes. Three, he was really, really nice. He picked up after the second ring. "Hello?", he said in a questioning tone.

"Hey, uh, it's Kellin", I mumbled. "Oh! Hey Kellin, what's up?", he replied, sounding genuinely happy that I was calling. "Nothing much... I just... Do you wanna hang out or something?"
"Yeah, sure. Give me a time and date - I'll be there!" His good mood was slightly contagious and I found myself smiling a bit. "Uh, at the half-pipe thingy in fifteen?"
"Great. See ya then!"
"Yeah, bye."

I sighed. It was already getting dark again, but I didn't care. The air was getting increasingly warmer each week and I knew spring wasn't that far away anymore. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and do something about how my hair looked. It was similar to a rats nest.

I stripped my clothes off and hopped into the shower, letting the warm liquid run down my body and relax my muscles. Showers always made me think and I usually liked that, but that day, I wanted to do anything but think. Thinking was not good. So I made the shower quick and sloppily ran a brush through my messy hair after drying myself off.

I got dressed into jeans and a warm sweater accompanied by a beanie to cover my hair and keep my ears warm, before stepping out into the cold evening air and making my way toward mine and Darryl's meeting point... Thingy.
I got there a bit early, but he was early too, so it was perfect timing.

"Hey", he smiled and hugged me. I awkwardly hugged him back, then stepped a bit away from him. I looked at him and smiled. He was actually really cute. His blonde fringe was neatly tucked under a black beanie, over which he had also pulled the hood of his sweater. He wore basic black skinny jeans and a grey v-neck.

"Well, Kellin, I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Wanna get something to eat?" I nodded, "McDonald's?" He laughed quietly, "I was thinking the same thing." With that, we started lazily making our way toward the McDonald's in town.

"Do you know where I can get a couple of cigarettes?", I asked him after a while. He smiled slyly and wriggled his eyebrows jokingly, "Me!" He dragged out the 'e'and pointed to himself. "How much?", I grinned. I didn't really care how much they were, because, let's be honest - if there was one thing I didn't struggle with it was money.

"Usually seven... But cause I like you, you're getting those for free.", he grinned cheekily at me and tossed me two packs of cigarettes. "Nope. I'm paying", I insisted and shoved a twenty dollar bill into his chest, "take this. I don't need any change."

He nodded and pulled the corners of his mouth down, "I'm impressed. Rich Kellin, eh? Thanks." I chuckled and just shrugged as we walked into the McDonald's together. It smelt like cheap cleaner and fries and for some reason, it made me smile.

After getting our food - or more like Darryl ordering every burger on the menu twice with extra large fries and me just stealing some from him, we sat down on one of the plastic benches.

We started talking about everything, like which schools we went to. Turns out, he went to the school on the other side of town, although he lived right here.
"Sho... Any shpecial ladiesh?", he asked with a mouth full of food. I smiled and shook my head.

"Me and my boyfriend broke up a few days ago.", I said casually, hoping he would just go along with it.
"Aw, that sucks man, I'm sorry. What happened?" So I ended up telling him everything about me and Vic. How we met and how we didn't know that we went to the same school at first, how I dated Oli, he cheated and Vic comforted me. And last but not least, how he had been acting weird and fucking girls lately.

"Holy fucking shit.", Darryl breathed at the end of the story. I sighed and shrugged, lazily chewing on an over-salted fry.

Darryl finished up and after throwing away everything, we walked back home. "Wanna come over to my place for a while?", I asked, "My parents probably aren't even home." "Sure", he replied, so we went home.


"What the hell, man?!", I yelled, "How are you so good at this?! I thought you'd never played before!" We were currently sitting on the floor in the game room, playing some lame video game I used to be addicted to a year or so ago. "I don't know!", Darryl laughed, " I really never played it before!" I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest, "This is no fun."

"Just cause I can easily beat your ass.", he chuckled, "but you're cute when you're pouting." I blushed and kept staring at the carpeted floor in front of me. "I'm not cute."


A/N; sorry that this is so short and shitty but I really didn't have any time to write today my mom was making me clean and pack and shit

What do y'all think of Beau (now Darryl) ???????


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