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Hey everyone, I'm back from the dead!!

I'm still very embarrassed of the writing of this story (I wrote this one or two years ago and ive changed a lot lol) but I'm also very thankful for everyone who's looked past that and still read (or even enjoyed)!!

So here comes the self-promo: I've figured out a story with original characters that I've published and am very excited about and proud of.

It's still gay af, don't worry!! Just instead of maybe Vic and Kellin it's Caleb and Finn.

So if you're interested in that, I'd love love love you if you went to check out the first few chapters I've published and tell me how you like it. I can take constructive criticism so go ahead and be honest lmao

Also, I'll be updating daily FOR SURE the next week or so because I've finished 10 chapters entirely already but after that I might have to catch up and only update once or twice a week depending on how busy I am.


But if you're still here reading, thanks and I love you lots!!

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