Chapter Twelve

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A/N; this is gonna be really short but I know how horrible cliff hangers can be and I'm not THAT evil so yeah you're welcome

Also I'm really disappointed nobody got my amazing Never Shout Never reference in the last chapter????? I'm worried about you guys.


"Vic? I- what...?", I couldn't believe this. Had I been talking to Vic all the time? "Kellin?"

We stared at each other in disbelief for a moment, before starting to laugh uncontrollably. There wasn't really anything hilarious, I just couldn't believe we hadn't noticed. "We are so fucking stupid", I laughed and he nodded. "It's so weird, thinking about all of our strange and sometimes embarrassing conversations and knowing that I was talking to you the whole time.", he said. "True."

"This is overwhelming", he breathed, shaking his head, "You're like, my best friend and I told you everything about me, except for my name and I always wished you were closer so we could meet..." I nodded, because I knew exactly how he felt. He was the one who practically knew all of my secrets and we both had been too stupid to notice, we went to the same school.

But if "Jack" and Vic were the same person... That meant, I had had a crush on Vic all the time, without even knowing. This was all extremely confusing. We talked for a bit longer, both of us being extremely awkward, trying to wrap our heads around this whole situation. I was actually quite content, until I thought of Oli again.

My face fell immediately and Vic noticed. "Hey, what's wrong?", he asked, sounding genuinely concerned. "Nothing", I mumbled, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose. "I'm not stupid, Kellin", he said, reminding me of a parent, "tell me what's up." I let out an exasperated sigh. "I fucked up whatever I had with Oli... Or we both fucked it up. I don't even know anymore." Instead of being devastated and extremely saddened - like I should be after a technical break up - I was okay. I was feeling a bit bad, but I wasn't like actually hurting bad or anything.

I could've sworn, that I saw the corners of Vic's lips twitch ever so slightly, like he was trying to force back a grin. I knew he didn't quite like Oli. "That sucks man, I'm sorry for you. What happened?" I told him all about our pointless fighting and weird behavior inside of the relationship. Well, more like Oli's weird behavior. Truth be told, I didn't even exactly know what happened.

"I gotta go", Vic said, after looking at his watch, "I'll talk to you later." I briefly wondered what he needed to do, or where he had to go, but it was obviously none of my business and probably pretty uninteresting anyway, so I just dropped it.

I decided, that I should go for a walk to get my mind off things. My hair was a mess, so I simply pulled a random beanie over my head. It was cold as fuck anyway. I stepped outside and aimlessly wandered around the neighborhood, desperately trying not to think about Oli, until I bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking", I mumbled and looked up at them. Oli. Absolutely fucking great. This was so cliche. "Hey Kelly", he said. "Uh, hi?", I replied, unsure of on what terms we were. Suddenly, he lunged forward, grabbing my face and kissing me on my lips forcefully. At first, I thought it was a good sign, but it wasn't a soft, loving kiss. It was a kiss that made my skin crawl, like he was using me to get his anger out or something.

"Oli, no", I mumbled against his lips, not kissing him back. He ignored me. "Oliver, I said no!", I tried to say more sternly, weakly struggling against his grip. I was panicking by then. This wasn't right. This wasn't like Oli. But then again, he had changed over those couple of weeks.

"Hel-", I tried to call for help, but Oli just pressed his lips against mine harder. How could nobody have noticed me trying to get away from him yet? It was only noon and we were on the street after all! "Oli no!", I pushed him away roughly, catching him off guard.

Unfortunately, he regained his composure pretty quickly, grabbing hold of both of my wrists tightly. It hurt, he was holding them so tight, it was probably gonna leave bruising. "If you scream or push me one more time, I'm gonna murder you", he growled and I was absolutely fucking terrified.

I had heard of people doing stuff like this to other people, but I wouldn't have thought, that it would happen to me - ever. Especially with Oli. I turned my face away, when he tried kissing me again, so he went for my neck, biting it. Under different circumstances, this could have been pretty hot, but it wasn't. I was just terrified and desperate to get as far away from Oli as possible.

"Oli, no", I pleaded, "please stop. I don't want this. No." I kept repeating it to him, trying to keep my voice down, so I didn't anger him any more. How was it possible that not a single fucking person was on this damn street? "No means fucking no, you sick fuck!", someone screamed and the next thing I knew, Oli was being yanked away from me and thrown onto the ground, by none other than Vic Fuentes.

How convenient. I was shaking, thanking god, that it didn't go any further. Vic picked him up by the collar of his shirt and I was surprised by how many strength he had in his arms, considering he wasn't very tall, then slammed him back down onto the ground.

I winced when I heard the ugly sound of a bone breaking. I didn't know what happened though, because I couldn't look anymore. Oli groaned in pain. "You're lucky that Kellin likes you, otherwise I would've killed you by now.", Vic growled before grabbing my hand and pulling me off down the street. "Let's go.", he said.



Nvm it's 1k words again

Such drama

Much kellic


Ily all and you just keep being you

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