Chapter Twenty Five

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I was sitting in my room, in front of my opened window. The wind was blowing into my face, pushing my hair back and making me squint my eyes shut every few seconds. It was almost completely dark out and I liked looking at the orange light the end of my cigarette produced. There were still raindrops on the outside of my window, it had been raining the whole day.

Oliver actually was the babysitter and Avery liked him. However, I didn't spend more than ten minutes around him aka in the kitchen or outside of my room in general. He gave me nasty smirks and to be honest, it scared me a bit. I was glad that he rarely talked to me, though, so nothing special ever happened.

Vic never answered any of my calls or texts that day and the day before, making me really worried. To my surprise, people were now starting be increasingly more hateful toward me, too.

It was a very peaceful evening and I wouldn't let my thoughts ruin it. I found smoking to be, in fact, very calming and nice. I was aware of what it did to my lungs, but the question was - did I care? No. No, at that point I did not care.

I felt like having a coffee, but really didn't want to go downstairs where I would inevitably have to face Oli. I sighed and was just about to go downstairs nonetheless, when my phone started buzzing repeatedly, signaling a call.

I checked the caller I.D. Vic.
"Hey", I said.
"Hi...", he replied, his voice shaking very slightly, but I still noticed it, "would you be opposed to meeting up somewhere in a few? I know it sounds awful and scary, but we really need to talk." I took a long drag from the cigarette before throwing it out of the window and closing it. "Sure, when and where?", I asked, trying hard not to sound as scared as I was.

"Uh... Park in fifteen?"
"Sounds good. See ya."
"See ya."

I hung up and threw myself onto the bed groaning into my pillow loudly. Fifteen minutes later, I was at the playground of the local park, waiting for Vic. He finally arrived, looking shaken.

"Hey, what's wrong?", I asked in genuine concern.
"Look, I'm gonna get straight to the point here. I don't think this whole...", he gestured from me to himself a few times, " a good idea. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really like you... But... I don't think this should be an official thing."

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion, "Why not?" He sighed, "I... I can't explain. We can like... Meet up and everything but people can't know and... It can't be official."
"Just so I get this right... You want a 'no strings attached' kind of thing, or what? I don't get where the point in that is."

"I just... I can't explain", he said, sounding and looking rather desperate, "but I need you to do this... Please."
I wasn't thinking, when I simply said: "Fine. But I expect and explanation sooner or later. I don't trust this."

He nodded frantically, "Yes, yes. I swear, I'll explain. But I have to go now." He kissed me on the cheek briefly, before hurrying away and melting into the darkness, leaving me extremely confused.


"You have to help the family! You're a member of this family and you're responsible for your sister! How can we ever trust you if you keep screwing things up like this? It's sad that I have to say this, but you're such a disappointment to me and your father, Kellin. I thought we had raised you better!", my mom rambled at me.

I desperately wanted to be angry at her. I wanted to scream and shout and possibly throw things against walls or something like that to show them how much they were hurting me with all of this. However, all I could do was cry. I stood there, taking in everything my parents were telling me, while small sobs racked my body. I was so done.

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