Chapter Thirty One (Final)

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*Five months later*

((REMEMBER: beau = Darryl = original!!1!1!!!Character)) oh and also sorry for all the time skips in this, I needed to make it as short as possible.

"Darryl, Darryl, Darryl...", I said randomly, sounding thoughtful as I passed him our second blunt yet and let myself fall back onto the patch of grass we were sitting on. I looked up at the sky that was full of thick grey clouds.

Darryl grinned at me and fixed his bangs in a swift movement of his head. Graduation was only one week away. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do after high school. I had always wanted to do something with soccer, but now I wasn't so sure. I didn't know if college was really worth it. I just didn't know anything.

I hadn't really talked to Vic and it hurt. Deep down, I knew that it had been the right thing to do, but the right thing to do maybe wasn't the easiest thing to do. I was okay with that, though.

It was a Sunday night and I was dreading that following week. After high school I would have to figure my life out and in all honesty, that scared the shit out of me. The only thing that comforted me slightly, was the fact that I knew my parents wouldn't kick me out of home.

However, I could sense that there was something strange going on between them. They were barely talking and I was scared of what the outcome would be.

"Wanna stay over at my place tonight?", Darryl asked me. I found that idea rather appealing, so I decided to agree. He didn't live very far from my house, yet he did go to a different school.

When we arrived, his mom opened the door. "Oh, hello", she said cheerfully. "I gave a small wave and waited for something to happen, "Mom, this is Kellin. We're going upstairs, yeah?", Darryl said.

His mom just nodded and Darryl started dragging me up a couple of stairs and into what seemed to be his room. It pretty much looked like mine, only it wasn't as big and had less posters on the walls. There were a couple, though. Random things were scattered across the floor and his sheets were a mess.

However, I immediately felt welcome. In fact, more welcome than in my own house. Everything just had a warm, homely vibe around it and in all honesty, I wouldn't have expected Darryl to live in such... perfect conditions. I didn't know why, though.

I sat on his bed and took off my sunglasses. I hated sunglasses and I only had them to hide how stoned I was. And to be perfectly honest, I had been stoned quite a bit lately.

"Dude, you seem out of it. Wanna play some video games and eat an unhealthy amount of Doritos?", Darryl asked. I smiled, "Sounds like a plan." he rushed out of the room and I could hear him running down the stairs, returning with a total of seven bags of Nacho-Cheese flavored Doritos, throwing them all onto the bed.

"Stop beating my ass!", I whined after about ten minutes of some video game with guns, cars and prostitutes, "This is no fun."

"Aw,", Darryl cooed, "Is little Kells upset because he sucks?" I wanted to laugh and punch his arm playfully, but I couldn't. Instead I wanted to cry and I was very well aware of how stupid that was, but I was having a really hard time controlling it. "Can you please not call me Kells?" , I whispered, looking down and at my hands. Darryl could probably sense that this was something I was sensitive about but that I didn't want to talk about it, either, so he just said: "Alright. Sorry, man." Only Vic could call me that.

He started yet another game, in which I was mumbling something about revenge. We both couldn't really sleep, nor were we tired in the first place, so we spent our whole night playing that game over and over again. It was a quarter to six, until we finally passed out, having eaten five and a half bags of Doritos.

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