Chapter Sixteen

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"You know, I'm still pissed", Vic said as we were sitting in the treehouse, "but I'm not a bad person and you're my best friend, so naturally, I'm here for you. You little shit."

I sighed, "Thank you."
I popped open the can of Monster energy drink and studied him. He was really beautiful, there was no denying it. The small part of me, that had been sad about Oli cheating, was gone now and I was just a bit angry. But basically ,now my attitude toward him was something like "you can suck my ass".

"Wait... But if you're Nick's cousin... Why did you tell me your cousins name was Anthony?", I wondered aloud. "Oh, that. Well, his full name is Anthony Nicholas (a/n; I'm obvs just making this up so shh) but he doesn't like being called that, although everyone in our family says Anthony. So yeah.", he explained. "Anthony Nicholas", I laughed, "I'm gonna tease him with that so much."

We just kind of sat there, the only sounds coming from the birds outside and our steady breathing, until Vic decided to break it, much to my delight. "So... you broke up with Oli, huh?" I nodded, "Yeah, obviously. Why?" Vic took another swing from his drink before answering, "I don't know, I don't want him to hurt you again... You could do so much better than him... You deserve someone better.", he almost whispered the last part, peeling his gaze off of my face and attaching it to the floor.

He looked like he was in deep thought, he was barely even blinking. "You okay?", I asked cautiously. His head snapped up and in my direction, as though my speaking had startled him and ripped him from whatever dream-like daze he had been in. "Yup", he said quietly, not before nervously looking away from me again.

He was really confusing me. He let out a shaky breath and when he looked up at me, his eyes were filled with tears, which was worrying me a lot. "I- I have to go", he said, his voice hoarse. "Dude, what's wrong?", I asked, my voice laced with concern, "You're not going anywhere."

"Nothing", he breathed. I gave him a look, that told him I wasn't buying his shitty lies. "Really", he said slightly louder, in a weak and failed attempt to be convincing. A blind man could've seen he was not okay. "I'm being serious here, Vic", I told him sternly. "So am I", he replied.

"Come on, just tell me what's going on. I'm worried.", I pleaded, "You're my best friend and-" I stopped when I noticed his hands balling into fists at my words. What in the actual fuck was going on? "Yeah, right", he spat, "best friend. I don't wanna be your best friend. I don't wanna be 'dude'. I just... I..." What was he implying? Did he hate me? Did he like like me? What?!

"I don't get what you're trying to say here", I said softly. "I'm trying to say, that I really like you. Like... like like you. I guess I always kind of have, even when we first started texting and stuff and I... I really didn't - and still don't - want to ruin our great friendship because it means so much to me, but that thing with Oli..." I was stunned. It was like Vic's words hat drained all thoughts and every little bit of common sense I had left from my brain.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't ha-", I cut him off, by taking a big step forward and crashing my lips to his. I could tell he was surprised, but kissed me back almost immediately nonetheless. It was weird, because whenever I kissed Oli, I never actually felt anything special. But with Vic, it was like his soft lips sent shocks of electricity throughout me and I felt sick to my stomach. It was the good kind of sick though, it was like I was on a roller coaster, constantly going downwards. I absolutely loved that kiss.

When I went to pull away, Vic wrapped his arms around my neck to keep me in place a bit longer and I was all too happy to be able to savor this moment even more. He started walking me backwards, until my back hit the wall softly. I was not thinking about what I was doing, I wasn't thinking about the consequences I would have to face eventually, nor was I thinking about what this made us. All I could think about, was the fact that this felt so, so right. 

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