Chapter Twenty Four

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(still Kellin's pov)

I sat on a park bench. It was afternoon and the sun was setting. Not that you could actually see it, the sky was full of thick, dark clouds and it looked like it wouldn't be long until rain would start to fall. The trees around me were leafless, stuck out of the ground like brown, scary skeleton hands, short, matted down and in some places browning grass surrounding them. The cold wind tugged at my (for the weather very inappropriate) clothing, trying to carry it away.

I was feeling a bit strange that day. Sad, but also kind of numb. Everything I looked at, made me question things. I thought a lot, barely uttering a word to anyone. I didn't mind, though. In fact, I actually kind of liked these days. They calmed me down. I would stare at things and think. It was comforting to isolate myself from the world. I eyed my surroundings, lost in the depths of my own, weird mind.

However I didn't see the young man who was approaching the old wooden bench I was sitting on, until he plopped down next to me. I looked at him in curiosity, while he gave me a small smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him taking out a pack of cigarettes. I liked the thought of smoking. The grey smoke coming out of my mouth and disappearing into the air tranquilizingly slow, how it would fill my lungs with it, giving me a good feeling. I had lighters and if I had wanted, I could have bought cigarettes from certain people, but I had never tried.

I saw the man lazily stick one between his lips and heard the flicking sound of the lighter a couple of times. The wind blew the smoke directly into my face and I inhaled it deeply. At first I thought I had to cough, it was a somewhat suffocating feeling. By the third time I had inhaled, I happened to really like it, though. I closed my eyes and kept recycling the smoke the man exhaled.

When he had smoked about half of the cigarette, he turned to me, smiling. When I looked into his face, I saw that he wasn't as old as I had originally thought. He couldn't have been older than eighteen. "Hey", he said, his voice rough. He had dirty blonde hair and pretty, light eyes that seemed to shine, "want the rest?"

I nodded and smiled at him thankfully and grabbing the cigarette. I was the tiniest bit scared. I felt rebellious and I felt good, as I inhaled shortly the first time. It was a stronger feeling than inhaling just the smoke, but it was great. "Thanks", I said quietly. "You're welcome. I'm Darryl."

The name didn't sound familiar and I briefly wondered, if he went to my school. "Nice to meet you, Darryl. I'm Kellin.", I replied politely. "Kellin...", he repeated thoughtfully, "that's a nice name."

"Thanks", I said again, exhaling smoke, "I got it for my birthday." We both laughed a bit, before falling into a comfortable silence again. I closed my eyes yet again, enjoying nothing in particular. I heard shuffling around next to me and a squeaking sound, like an Expo Marker made when you wrote onto a dry erase board. The thought of Expo Markers made my lips twitch slightly. I remembered sticking them together and fighting people, acting like it was a sword when I was younger.

I really wished I could go back to the good old days, when I was little and nobody had any expectations. I didn't have any, nor did my parents. Now I was a hormonal, stressed out, always either over- or underestimated and confused teenage boy and didn't like it one bit. I didn't bother to open my eyes until Darryl decided to speak up again.

"I think I'll head home. It's getting late and cold. It was nice talking to you Kellin." I nodded and turned my head toward him, "Yeah, have a nice evening. See you around.", I said. He smiled, then tossed me the pack of cigarettes, winked and turned around, rushing away. I eyed the pack and opened it. It was still almost full, only like three cigarettes were missing. I smiled.

I turned it around in my hands, when I noticed a number scribbled down on the back. I let out a small chuckle. I was sure I could become good friends with Darryl.

I sighed quietly and moved around in an attempt to make myself more comfortable on the stupid bench. I began to get bored with eyeing my surroundings and randomly started examining my hands. I was freezing, you could see my blue veins through my pale skin. I didn't like how pale I was, I had always wanted to have beautiful, tan skin, like Vic. It just looked so much healthier and had perks, such as people not being able to see you blush as easily.

I brought my skinny index finger to my wrist, feeling my dull pulse. It fascinated me in a way and I found myself counting my heartbeats for no reason. Out of nowhere, my eyes fell on the bench out of dark wood. I saw people had carved stuff into it, or written things. I shifted around so that I could get a better look at them.

I love you, jake

D + P <3

KS <3

blink-182 for life

Random numbers and more things like that were there to see. I smiled and started wondering what these meant. I mean blink-182 and I love you, jake were pretty clear, but who could D, P or K and S be? Lovers? Best friends? Siblings? I would most likely never know and that got me thinking again.

If I wrote something down, nobody would ever know (unless I put a date or something) when or why I put that there, how I looked, how old I was, my gender, where I lived, my name - who I was. All they would ever know was what I once wrote onto this bench for a reason that also remained secret.

I ran my fingers over a carving, when I randomly remembered song lyrics.

Everything you touch surely dies.

For whatever reason, it suddenly occurred to me how true that was. I would die. Vic would die sooner or later. Sooner or later this bench would fall apart and be replaced by a new one. Everything surrounding me would eventually die one way or another. The trees, the playground, the houses I could see in the distance - absolutely everything.

I wasn't sure wether that thought comforted or scared me, but it sure was somewhat fascinating. I pulled my hood over my head and let the sleeves of my hoodie fall over my hands. Small raindrops started to fall and I slowly made my way back home, lighting yet another cigarette and never peeling my eyes off of the by rain slightly wetted, dark grey pavement.


A/N; wow I got a bit carried away there

Whatever I felt like writing a pretty much pointless chapter full of random thoughts so deal with it

Second update in a row woo


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