Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up, groaning quietly and rubbing my face. I felt refreshed, though. In fact, I felt more refreshed from sleeping than ever before. I noticed that I was really warm, too. However, it took me a couple of seconds to realize, that the source of my comfortable warmth was Vic.

That thought brought a smile to my lips instantly, as I opened my eyes to look at him. He had his right arm draped around me lazily and his beautiful brown curls were a mess. It was incredibly cute.

At that sight, I couldn't help but press a light kiss to his nose. That made him stir slightly and mumble something incoherent. I smiled as I waited for him to open his eyes. Eventually, he did and gave me a sleepy smile. "Morning", he said groggily. "How'd you sleep?", I asked quietly. "Better than ever", he smiled, "How about you?"

"Same." I sighed in content and moved a bit closer, wanting to savor the moment. "Oh shit", Vic suddenly gasped, "I gotta go." He got up quickly and put on his jeans and his jacket. "Wait, what?", I asked in confusion, "Where are you going?" He hesitated a second before answering, "An... Uh, an appointment."

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion. "What kind of appointment? Where?" He sighed, "Doesn't matter. I can't miss it, though.", he brushed it off and kissed me swiftly before disappearing through the door of my room.

I have to admit, it all seemed really suspicious. He was obviously hiding something from me and that made me uncomfortable. I didn't like when people kept things from me like that. Especially when their name is Vic Fuentes and they absolutely suck at lying - or not telling the whole truth.

I sighed and just decided to let it go, though and make myself some breakfast. When I got into the kitchen, I saw a bright yellow Post-It note stuck to the fridge.

gone to Ave's gymnastic comp. gonna be back around noon
-mom & dad

That just made me feel even worse. I was glad my parents didn't argue as much anymore. I was glad that Avery was doing good and was happy with being here, but my parents were caring about her so much, making an effort to be at every damn gymnastics competition of hers, drive her to pre-school personally every damn day... Meanwhile, I never even talked to my parents. They paid absolutely no attention to me, basically ignoring that I even existed. I couldn't remember the last time I ate with (one of) my parents. I couldn't remember the last time they cooked something for me. I couldn't remember the last time my parents took me to school instead of a chauffeur. I couldn't remember the last time they asked me about my schoolwork or if I was okay. I couldn't even remember the last fucking time they told me they loved me.

I just wanted some goddamn attention.

I had heard people say things like "I'd sacrifice affection and love from my family in a heartbeat if I got money to no end for it." and "Who needs love if you have money?" But really, if your parents care, you are really lucky. The thing is, you never realize how lucky you are to have something for exactly as long as you have it.

You take what you have for granted, that's human. You don't always question things, see things from another person's point of view. You just expect these things, it becomes a norm.

For some people norm is affection, and for me norm is money. I couldn't have cared less about my family's money, though. They just wasted it all.

And it made me angry, that my parents obviously could be affectionate and loving. My parents could work less and be there more. They could do anything I had ever wanted them to do - and now they were doing it.

However, they weren't doing it for me, their own damn son, they were doing it for their niece.

Maybe my parents just wanted a daughter, and I was annoying them. Maybe they didn't even want me, and that's why I was just tolerated in this family, never actually noticed or valued.

If you could call it a family.

I desperately wanted attention, and I was going to get it, one way or another.


A/N; I'm sorry this is only like 700 words and pretty shitty but I'm tired and I kind of feel like shit rn. Sorry.

I love you all. 1.22k reads. Woo.


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